The Shaving Cadre

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Doug's Journal of Shaving Happiness v2.0

Journal Entry #126

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Blade: GEM PTFE (1)
Brush: WCS Psychedelic Synthetic
Soap/Cream: AOS Eucalyptus Cream (27)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Lucky Tiger AS and Face Tonic
Fragrance: Florida Water

MMOC redemption

SOTD Pic(s)

Shave Quality
Today I used a different MMOC than the one from Friday. This one has the two bumps in the baseplate. My other MMOC is missing them. Today's shave was pretty darn good. I am just shy of completely BBS and the irritation is minimal. A light touch and some minor skin stretching worked well for me. The shave was close and comfortable. The alum gave an expected amount of feedback. One hour post shave my face feels a tiny bit chapped, but smooth as silk.

The older GEM razors need lots of TLC during the shave, but they give great results when used appropriately.

Other Thoughts
I am thinking Pho (perhaps the best thing on the planet!) for lunch. Anyone want to go with me?

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Great redemption shave Doug!

I do love Pho, but it’s not cold enough here yet to fully enjoy.
Great redemption shave Doug!

I do love Pho, but it’s not cold enough here yet to fully enjoy.
YUM!!! I love me some Pho! Also great shave.

Thanks, gents.

For me there is nothing better on a hot day than a bowl of Pho. It actually will cool you off. The heat of the broth combined with the capsaicin in the chilies will cause you to sweat, which will cool you off when the breeze hits you. Pho is street food.
Journal Entry #127

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: GEM MM Clog-Pruf
Blade: GEM PTFE (2)
Brush: WCS Psychedelic Synthetic
Soap/Cream: AOS Eucalyptus Cream (28)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Lucky Tiger AS and Face Tonic
Fragrance: Florida Water

The GEM punishment will continue until morale improves.

SOTD Pic(s)

Shave Quality
The AOS lather is so easy and so good. Too bad the MMCP decided to go all George Foreman on my face. I think perhaps I am too rushed most mornings to give these GEMs the proper respect. I didn't think I was going to hard or fast, but the irritation and the single weeper say differently.

I want to love my GEMs, but it is getting harder and harder.

Other Thoughts
More comedy tonight. This time it is Bob Marley. This will be the sixth time we have seen him live. He is always fresh and hilarious.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Nice shave Doug. Someone did an AS sampling after their shave
Well, FW is marketed as a cologne...

Also the orange in the Lucky Tiger and in the Florida Water go well together.
I hate it when my razor goes “George Foreman”. I had to really slow down when using an SE.
Journal Entry #128

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: Supply Provision SE 2.0
Blade: Personna (?)
Brush: WCS Psychedelic Synthetic
Soap/Cream: AOS Eucalyptus Cream (29)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: Pinaud Clubman
Fragrance: none

SEptembah is the month for an Injectah.

SOTD Pic(s)

Shave Quality
A little residual irritation from yesterday's shave was carried forward after today's, but it was a great shave none the less. The Supply SE is a really nice and heavy Injector. The lather was great. The brush works well. Two passes for DFS+. I can't complain too loudly.

The Supply SE is worth the cost. Injector fans owe it to themselves to look into it.

Other Thoughts
Brothers BBQ (a Denver original) for lunch was a good call. Burnt ends, some hot link, beans, and slaw. Totally yummy.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Journal Entry #129
TSC Straight Shave #11

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Straight: Feather SS
Shavette Blade: Feather Pro (1)
Razor: MM Clog-Pruf
Blade: GEM PTFE (3)
Brush: Sorrentino Custom Tuxedo
Soap/Cream: AOS Eucalyptus Cream (30)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB
AS 3: none
Fragrance: none

Shavettes are unforgiving.


Shave Quality
As I sometimes do when using shavettes I cut my chin, so I stopped after one pass. I finished the shave with the Clog-Pruf. Overall I am DFS+.

The Feather is wonderful. I just need to learn the right angles with it.

Other Thoughts
Cleaning day for our upcoming house guest.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.