The Shaving Cadre

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Doug's Journal of Shaving Happiness v2.0

Journal Entry #115

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: RazoRock Mission
Blade: Baili Super Blue (1)
Brush: Omega 49 Pro boar
Soap/Cream: AOS Eucalyptus Cream (16)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Nivea Cooling Post Shave Balm
AS 3: Proraso green splash
Fragrance: none

Yay, hump day!


Shave Quality
I decided to go with the RazoRock Mission today. I hadn't used it in a while and it seemed like a solid choice. The Baili Super Blue blade was good yesterday, but I am trying to get rid of my odd tucks of blades so I binned it and opened a new one. The lather was rich and thick as usual. The shave is just shy of full BBS. However, the blade doesn't like this razor as much. There is more residual irritation than yesterday.

The Mission is the second DE that I purchased. It is a good zamak razor.

I can see buying the Baili blades in bulk.

Other Thoughts
I am really looking forward to a three day weekend.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Journal Entry #116

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: X3 (1977) Black Beauty Super Adjustable @5
Blade: Treet Black Beauty (1)
Brush: Omega 49 Pro boar
Soap/Cream: AOS Eucalyptus Cream (17)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: AOS Sandalwood ASB
AS 3: Fine Santal Absolut
Fragrance: none

A birthday shave with birth quarter razor


Shave Quality
I pulled out the 1977 Gillette SA for my shave today. I loaded it with a Treet black carbon just for fun. I had never used these two together before. It ended up not being a good combo. I should have gone with an Astra SP instead. I am still a bit tender at 7PM. It was an interesting experience, however. The lather was good as always.

The SA is a great razor, just not with today's blade.

AOS Sandalwood FTW!

Other Thoughts
I wish I had taken the day off of work.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Happy Birthday Doug! The SA is my Birth Year razor as well. Usually does pretty well, sorry the blade didn’t work for you.
Happy Birthday Doug! I have yet to pick up a birth quarter SA...eventually. Interesting that the blade was a dud for that razor...
Journal Entry #117

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: X3 (1977) Black Beauty Super Adjustable @5
Blade: Treet Silver (1)
Brush: Omega 49 Pro boar
Soap/Cream: AOS Eucalyptus Cream (18)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Nivea Cooling Sensitive Post-Shave Balm
AS 3: Proraso green splash
Fragrance: none

A redemption shave with the Black Beauty SA


Shave Quality
After the less than stellar birthday shave I decided to try it again with a different blade. I am BBS- after two passes. The lather was great and the blade performed well.

The Treet Silver is another carbon steel blade made in Pakistan. I am not sure how many shaves this blade would hold up for, but today's shave with it was really good.

Other Thoughts
I now have a few things inbound. I decided to give the RR Game Changer a try after reading about the great results that @GearNoir gets with his. I also have a Feather SS coming. I like straights and shavettes but have yet to try a Feather. I think it will be a nice experience.

The wife and I started re-watching Boston Legal last night. That is such a fabulous show and one of James Spader's very best roles.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Nice, Chris got me interested in the Game Changer as well. But now I'm interested in too many razors!
Nice one Doug, and glad you got a little redemption with the SA! Looking forward to your thoughts on the GC when it comes in!
A little late to the party...but Happy Belated Birthday Doug! I have a couple of those super adjustables and I love the way they shave!
Journal Entry #118

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: E-Type Schick Injector
Blade: Personna (?)
Brush: Omega 49 Pro boar
Soap/Cream: AOS Eucalyptus Cream (19)
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Nivea Cooling Sensitive Post-Shave Balm
AS 3: Proraso green splash
Fragrance: none

The first shave of SEptember.


Shave Quality
I used a really light touch and got a great shave. The lather was great, but I only had time for two passes. I am still BBS- for those two passes with almost no irritation.

E-Type Injectors are quite aggressive, but when used right they approach straights in performance.

Other Thoughts
I am going to do a longer review of the Bai
li blades, but since it is SEptember I am going to be doing a ton of SE shaves this month.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Never used and injector and there are so many variances in them it seems. Looking forward to reading about what you use this month to see what I can learn.
SEptember! I almost forgot! I need to pull out my Gems and go buy some SE blades! Looking forward to your shaves!