The Shaving Cadre

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Doug's Journal of Shaving Happiness v2.0

Journal Entry #87

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: Rockwell 6C w/ R6 plate
Blade: Ladas (2)
Brush: Omega 49 Pro boar
Soap/Cream: CFG GTB (2)
AS 1: Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive Cooling Post-shave Balm
Fragrance: CFG GTB EdT

Chad's shave from yesterday and all the other talk convinced me to put down the Latha for one day for some Ghost Town Barber action.


Shave Quality
The lather was stellar. I mean it was so good that I added a third pass. After that third pass I lathered up again to just let the suds sit on my face for a while. My neck is still a bit tender, but overall I am DSBBS. I need to focus more on getting a good angle so that I reduce the irritation which I am getting, but that is something that will always require focus and attention.

The CFG soap base is really good stuff. While not my favorite artisan base, it is definitely worth repurchasing when gone. If CFG always has this level of quality, it will always have a place in my den. I will also be picking up some of the other scents at some point.

Other Thoughts
my wife has a birthday coming up. She said she wants succulents. I found several garden shops that sell online. I decided to go with Mountain Crest Gardens. Sometimes it still amazes me that you really can buy just about anything online. I hope that the plants get here quickly.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Nice shave!

Succulents are fun. Just don’t overwater them. They don’t like excess water.
The great thing about succulents and ordering that they don't require to be watered while shipping. wife rarely has to water the ones she has. for the most part they pull the moisture out of the air.
GTB!!! WAHOO! Sorry I fell behind. But I really like the looks of that Star razor. And just when I posted a video I didn't want another razor LOL.
GTB!!! WAHOO! Sorry I fell behind. But I really like the looks of that Star razor. And just when I posted a video I didn't want another razor LOL.
The Star is a nice little shaver. The handle is very comfortable and has good grip.
Journal Entry #88

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: Rocnel SE model P
Blade: Treet Platinum (1)
Brush: Omega 49 Pro boar
Soap/Cream: B&M Latha Oceana (53)
AS 1: Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive Cooling Post-shave Balm
AS 3: Lucky Tiger AS & Face Tonic
Fragrance: Cool Water EdT

Sometimes the razor just has it in for you...


Shave Quality
Another DSBBS today in two passes, except for the 3 weepers and the lasting irritation. The lather was great. My technique with this particular was not great. I even gave myself one of the weepers right under my nasal septum.

The soap is still great. If the Latha line were still in production I would consider picking up all of the scents. I have never used Chad's rating scale, so I don't know where it would land, but I think it would probably be Tier 1 or high Tier 2. Notice that the puck is now getting translucent in several places. The next time that the doughnut hole shows up, I may not be able to press the soap down and close it.

The Rocnel SE-P... This is an interesting razor. It is made completely of 316 stainless and is a chunk of a razor. That head is heavy. It needs a stainless handle to act as a counterbalance. I picked it up back in 2016 when Rocnel was just taking off. It is a high quality product, it is just a somewhat flawed design. Shaving with it is similar to shaving with a shavette that uses DE blades. The SE-P takes a half blade that friction fits into the head. You then break off the side tabs used to install the blade. This should leave the blade tight in the head, which it does. The flaw, as you should be able to see from the pictures, leaves the corners of the sharp edge of the DE blade completely exposed either side of the head by about a millimeter. This is just enough clearance to be a problem and require careful use, especially around ears. those exposed blade corners will also catch on facial curves and skin that hasn't been stretched. This isn't to say that it is not a good razor. It is. It will give you that "just got out of the barber chair" post-shave feeling, but it requires time, patience, focus, and more skin stretching than I did today.

Other Thoughts
One of the things that makes 3017ing easier is my large collection of razors. Being able to use something a little different every day keeps my shaves interesting when 50+ shaves into a product. I hope to continue collecting odd-ball shavers that are interesting to use.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Good stuff today. The Latha line got a Tier 2 Box 5 rating (the highest rating in tier 2) from me at least.
Good stuff today. The Latha line got a Tier 2 Box 5 rating (the highest rating in tier 2) from me at least.

Your rating doesn't surprise me. I just don't have the basis for reference right now.

How do you rate GTB? I forget.

Your rating doesn't surprise me. I just don't have the basis for reference right now.

How do you rate GTB? I forget.

GTB if I consider scent gets a Tier 1 box 3. If I don't consider scent and just judge based off of the Chiseled Face Base it gets Tier 1 box 4

Journal Entry #89

Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: Post-War Tech Frankenrazor
Blade: Ladas (3)
Brush: Omega 49 Pro boar
Soap/Cream: B&M Latha Oceana (54)
AS 1: Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive Cooling Post-shave Balm
AS 3: Lucky Tiger AS & Face Tonic
Fragrance: Cool Water EdT

Perhaps I should have skipped a day...


Shave Quality
Things were a bit rough today, but that could be due to my face still being tender from yesterday's Rocnel adventure. Today I am DFS+ in two passes. I decided to bin the blade after the shave.

I really like the "El Capitan" handle from WCS. It fits the Post-War Tech head perfectly and feels really good in my hand. I think it also looks cool.

The Ladas blade was sub-par. I think perhaps this blade was a dud. I have had great results with previous Ladas blades. It wasn't giving me the performance I de
sire, so into the bin it went.

Other Thoughts
I am sick and tired of construction noise at work.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Sorry to hear of the rough shave, I can relate. That is a really cool looking handle.
Whew, that GTB was a nice break in the soap 3017! That Rocel razor looks cool, and I got excited about looking into one when you mentioned it was heavy until you got to the part about the edge of the blade being exposed. That is a whack design. Can't believe that someone that shaves with it would let it out of the design room like that.
Whew, that GTB was a nice break in the soap 3017! That Rocel razor looks cool, and I got excited about looking into one when you mentioned it was heavy until you got to the part about the edge of the blade being exposed. That is a whack design. Can't believe that someone that shaves with it would let it out of the design room like that.
It is definitely a flaw in the design, but it isn't that much different than using a shavette.

One thing that I didn't do, which would definitely help is to mute the corners of the blade on glass before installing it into the razor. That would make it a little less problematic to use.
I have had good shave from Ladas blades...though not my preferred. Hopefully the blade was just a one off.