The Shaving Cadre

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Doug's Journal of Shaving Happiness v2.0

Journal Entry #563
2020 Shaves (DE: 117, SE: 20, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 7)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/PAA Cube 1.0 mentholated pre-shave
Razor: King C. Gillette DE
Blade: King C. Gillette blade (1)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: RazoRock 24mm Barber Handle Plissoft
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery Sandalwood & Myrrh (14)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Sudsy Soapery Sandalwood & Myrrh ASB
Fragrance: Curve Black by Liz Claiborne

Gillette's new razor delivers.


Shave Quality
I took a little more time today and tried to minimize the number of swipes I was taking across my face. It helped, I think. There is a little residual irritation, but it is very minimal and mostly on my cheeks. My neck is feeling really great. It was an excellent shave. BBS in two passes. Getting good shaves on a regular basis takes focus and effort.

The new King C. Gillette razor is a comfortable and efficient shaver. I like it. The weight is good. The handle can get a little slippery, however. The blades are great also.

I really like the Curve Black. It is a great smell that is somewhat reminiscent of Creed Aventus, or at least the clones that I have experienced. It is, obviously, a different scent but the accord definitely has some similarity. This is definitely a modern, masculine scent with hints of the fruit notes from the original Curve for Men.

Other Thoughts
My older cat's kidneys are slowly failing. We have known this for years, but it is starting to catch up to him. This makes me really sad. He is at the vet right now for his six month checkup. Eventually we will need to start giving him subcutaneous fluids, but we aren't there yet. He is 17 years old and it sucks that his health is starting to fail.

This week has been kicking my ass.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
That sucks about your cat! I’ve had a rough week for different reasons, hang in there man!
Sorry to hear about your cat Doug. My wife is a Registered Vet Tech (30yrs) And I have learned vicariously through her. A lot of veterinary information. She currently is at a cat only practice. If at anytime you want/need to get her tips, tricks or thoughts. Just PM me. And I'll pass along any questions or concerns. But it sounds like you are well aware of the road ahead. Though that doesn't make it easier.
It was great chatting with you last night. I now know who to get in touch with. If I am heading to Denver. And want to eat well and have fun.
So sorry to hear about your cat. We had to put one down a few months back, broke my heart. My wife had Sebastian from a tiny kitten, she had him long before we ever met. I feel your pain.
Journal Entry #564
2020 Shaves (DE: 118, SE: 20, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 7)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/PAA Cube 1.0 mentholated pre-shave
Razor: Gillette F2 Fatboy @5
Blade: King C. Gillette blade (2)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: TSC 2nd Anniversary Brush
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery Sandalwood & Myrrh (15)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Pinaud Clubman
Fragrance: Canoe

Fatboys and Clubman on a Friday


Shave Quality
I was a little too heavy handed today, so I have a tiny bit of tenderness around my mouth and on my neck, but overall it was a really good shave. I just need to use a lighter touch with this razor. The lather was really, really great. Full-on BBS in two passes.

The 2nd Anniversary brush is kinda stiff. The Tuxedo knot that it uses is a bit on the stiffer side for a synthetic knot; add in the fact that it is set a little too low means that this is a brush with lots of backbone. It is a good brush that I thought I should pull out after the last Zoom call. There is one interesting positive about having as much backbone as this one does. It loads like a monster. I had to add extra water to my lather today because it was such a heavy load.

Canoe + Clubman = extra barbershoppy goodness

I did a little scent comparison between Curve, Curve Black, and Armaf Club de Nuit Intense. The Curve Black has the fruity notes of Curve plus a few of the dark notes that are in Club de Nuit Intense. It is like a cross of the two just without the heavier notes that CdNI has. Curve Black won't replace CdNI in my lineup, but it is a lighter cologne that hits a couple of those notes in a pleasant way.

Other Thoughts
Thanks for the kind words and thoughts for my cat. He has been a wonderful companion for 17 years. I hope he will be with us for at least a few more.

I have several packages on the way. There are a few that need to get here soon. Grrr.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Journal Entry #565
2020 Shaves (DE: 119, SE: 20, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 7)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/PAA Cube 1.0 mentholated pre-shave
Razor: Gillette B1 Tech head on PAA "Name Taker" handle
Blade: King C. Gillette blade (3)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: TSC 2nd Anniversary Brush
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery Sandalwood & Myrrh (16)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Sudsy Soapery Sandalwood & Myrrh ASB
Fragrance: Parfums Belcam Nitro

A nice shave with a frankenrazor


Shave Quality
A Tech is a very efficient razor. Add a heavier handle and it gets a little better. The razor definitely felt more aggressive. It was a great shave. The lather was great and the shave was BBS in two passes.

The Tech is still Gillette's best razor. I like all of the others, but the Tech gives me some of the best shaves.

The Nitro EdT is not bad. The scent is good, but it doesn't have much staying power. This is one that needs to be brought along for reapplication throughout the day. It isn't bad for ~$8 but not mind blowing.

Other Thoughts
It was a long week. I am glad it is over.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
You got some nice stuff in today Doug! I guess of the Nitro isn’t sticking around long enough, it’s cheap enough to use more throughout the day!
Journal Entry #566
2020 Shaves (DE: 119, SE: 21, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 7)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/PAA Cube 1.0 mentholated pre-shave
Razor: Schick J1 Injector
Blade: Personna Injector (1)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: TSC 2nd Anniversary Brush
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery Sandalwood & Myrrh (17)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Lucky Tiger AS & Face Tonic
Fragrance: Salvatore Ferragamo Uomo Casual Life

Injector shave off #1


Shave Quality
The shave is BBS-. There are a couple of places on my neck that could be a little more smooth. The big problem is the irritation. My face and neck are still burning. I hope the first shave with the Proline or the Chinese Schick are better. I think the second shave with this blade will be better.

Which modern blade is better? I am going to spend a week or two shaving with the three modern blades that I have available. At the end I hope to be able to rank them from best to worst. After that I plan to give the vintage Personna and PAL blades a try. We'll see how it goes.

I am loving the Ferragamo Uomo Clean Living. It is a great summer scent. I am probably going to be wearing this one often.

Other Thoughts
It is a nice lazy Sunday.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Journal Entry #567
2020 Shaves (DE: 119, SE: 22, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 7)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/PAA Cube 1.0 mentholated pre-shave
Razor: Schick J1 Injector
Blade: Schick Proline (1)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: TSC 2nd Anniversary Brush
Soap/Cream: Sudsy Soapery Sandalwood & Myrrh (18)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: Lucky Tiger AS & Face Tonic
Fragrance: Burberry for Men EdT

Injector shave off #2


Shave Quality
BBS- again. No new irritation, but my face and neck are still a little tender from yesterday. I am not sure if I used a lighter touch today, or if the blade is just smoother, but it was a better shave. This blade was smoother on my skin than the Personna blade. Great lather today and a great shave.

The Proline blade worked well on my skin for the first shave. It definitely shaves better than the Personna on shave #1. We will see how it fares over multiple shaves.

The J1 Injector is a great razor. It has just about the right amount of aggression for me.

Burberry! This is one that I tried previously in a small sample bottle and liked but never repurchased. I am glad that I decided to get more of it. This is a fabulous scent. It is light and doesn't project much, but it is good stuff.

Other Thoughts
I am getting interested in fragrances again and have been watching reviews on YouTube. Some of them are great. Some are quite unintentionally humorous. ... I guess that is just the way things go on YouTube.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.