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Corona Virus

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Thinking about all the folks in long term care right now. It hasn’t gotten enough press yet, but the residents and caregivers are bearing a huge brunt of the illness and deaths. My county commissioner was on one of the cable news channels this week talking about it. We have the second highest confirmed illness rate in PA after Philly, and almost 2/3 of the deaths are from long term care facilities. My little town has an outsized death rate in connection with the 8 facilities in town.

Horrible. My parents have both passed so it’s not an issue for me personally, but I can’t begin to imagine how helpless families feel when they can’t visit or see their parents or grandparents.
My hope is we will enter a period of deep introspection. Perhaps we can move forward a few paces as a species. The fragility of our follies have been exposed.
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We have a facility in the town I work in that has 40+ residents testing positive and 14+ staffers testing positive. Local paper had photos of folks gowned in white protective suits (hazmat?) entering the locked down facility. And yet I read of my hometown in Michigan protesting the governor and believing media spin, political lies, and inflated numbers. To me, that goes hand in hand with almost no cases there and no first hand impact of what this is. Instead of counting their blessings at being spared so far, they want to stop social distancing and reopen all business, as (in my opinion) they don't see the point (yet). May they not see what many are seeing, but may they get smart soon before they have body bags stacked up in the morgue and mass graves. Rant over.
We have a facility in the town I work in that has 40+ residents testing positive and 14+ staffers testing positive. Local paper had photos of folks gowned in white protective suits (hazmat?) entering the locked down facility. And yet I read of my hometown in Michigan protesting the governor and believing media spin, political lies, and inflated numbers. To me, that goes hand in hand with almost no cases there and no first hand impact of what this is. Instead of counting their blessings at being spared so far, they want to stop social distancing and reopen all business, as (in my opinion) they don't see the point (yet). May they not see what many are seeing, but may they get smart soon before they have body bags stacked up in the morgue and mass graves. Rant over.

Correct me if I'm wrong but while Michigan may be 10th on the list for population in the US, they have the third most deaths right behind NY and NJ. That's not "almost no cases".
Correct me if I'm wrong but while Michigan may be 10th on the list for population in the US, they have the third most deaths right behind NY and NJ. That's not "almost no cases".
Sorry, I wasn't clear. By "there" I meant my home town area, in the UP of Michigan, which is very rural. Yes, I agree and find it ironic that Michigan has so many deaths, but my friends in the UP see the restrictions differently as they aren't seeing what Detroit is seeing. Having grown up there, the Detroit area is like another world, and is so distant (8-10 hour car ride) from the western end of the UP. According to the last map update, there are very few COVID-19 cases in the UP, compared with huge numbers in the urban downstate area. I hope that makes more sense. I see some similarity here in Maine, as the farther you get from Portland and southern Maine, the more grumbling you get about the restrictions. Infact, there is a protest annouced for Monday, led by a politician in a northern county with little or no cases.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. By "there" I meant my home town area, in the UP of Michigan, which is very rural. Yes, I agree and find it ironic that Michigan has so many deaths, but my friends in the UP see the restrictions differently as they aren't seeing what Detroit is seeing. Having grown up there, the Detroit area is like another world, and is so distant (8-10 hour car ride) from the western end of the UP. According to the last map update, there are very few COVID-19 cases in the UP, compared with huge numbers in the urban downstate area. I hope that makes more sense. I see some similarity here in Maine, as the farther you get from Portland and southern Maine, the more grumbling you get about the restrictions. Infact, there is a protest annouced for Monday, led by a politician in a northern county with little or no cases.

Yes. That clarifies things completely. It's kind of like NJ where those living way down in South Jersey might as well be living in a completely different state. I can get into Manhattan in a half hour but down South, there are lots of people who have never been in NYC. Lots of farm land. It's unfortunate that people are so poorly informed about this whole thing and don't realize that an area can have few if any cases at one moment and become a hot spot the next. What makes it worse is that out in remote areas, it doesn't take much to overwhelm the health care system in place in that area with a moderate amount of serious cases. I have found over the years that often this kind of thinking results from a lack of being able to see the big picture.
@MntnMan62 you hit the nail on the head. My life experience has been similar, in that if I didn't see it, it wasn't a problem. So short-sighted. I hope that as I continue to grow and age, I will not become more narrow minded, but will strive to see the bigger picture. And a side note, I really appreciate your posts!
@MntnMan62 you hit the nail on the head. My life experience has been similar, in that if I didn't see it, it wasn't a problem. So short-sighted. I hope that as I continue to grow and age, I will not become more narrow minded, but will strive to see the bigger picture. And a side note, I really appreciate your posts!

I am also mindful that I hope to retain the ability to see the entire picture, or most of it anyway as I get older. I've been taught this concept over the years but mostly by my first real boss. He would say such things as "He's focused on the wrong syllable" with the emphasis on a long "a" in syllable. But there's a reason there are other sayings that mean the exact same thing. "Don't lose the forest for the trees." Anyway. Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately I've found that not everyone shares our view on this.
Two more deaths reported yesterday both from the long term care facility down town
Yesterday's numbers. Despite the crazy numbers compared to other states, the number of patients in Hospitals has gone down every day since the April 13th, and the number of those on ventilators has gone down every day since April 4th. Testing is still going strong as it seems they are testing between 5,000 and 6,000 people a day. Some days more, some days less...but there about. The number of people testing positive has seemed to slow down considerably. From March 31st to April 9th about 1500 people were testing positive a day. From April 10th to present...we are averaging about 500 testing positive a day. Just in the general sense...this seems good. But officials are voicing concerns about another surge. So...we will see.

Well in Utah hospitalizion is down. And in the last 7 days our overall positive % has dropped from 5.4% to 4.7%. we are averaging 4k tests per day in that time frame as well.
That will prove to be a bad idea. Gotta love stock photos.
I know right..I guess like I said in the edited post I guess the news outlets thought people wouldn't notice its the Same pic..... And yes I agree I too think its a bad idea...its to soon to open back up yet.....
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