The Shaving Cadre

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CBLindsay's brain droppings

Some updates:
My grandson has had a few rough days but has certainly been moving in a more possitve direction. They have been able to step down (a few steps) the extraordinary ventilation measures, getting him back on a more standard ventilator and less oxygen supplement. They have removed the chest tube which has signigicantly reduced the amount of pain he is feeling, so they have also been able to reduce the pain meds. He is still easily over stimulated so they aren't able to hold him or do much physical contact but they should change soon. If he continues to do well and make a little progress each day he should be eating and breathing on his own soon. Dr's are still stressing how critically ill he is but are happy he is stablizing rather than gettign worse.

I have received clearance to get my dad into the assited living place he wanted to move to. We should have access to the place soon and be able to move in some new and old furniture this weekend. IF I get help from my brother we should have it all done and ready to have him move in by Monday. For now they are going to give him "level 1" care but he and they think he will end up needing level 0 care (mostly housekeeping and such with no need for medical stuff). I think him being around people throughout the day everyday will be good for him.

Went to Disneyland with my wife and youngest daughter yesterday... Fitbit says I walk a million miles and took a bazillion steps, I am inclined to beleive it. OVerall the trip was decent and we were able to enjoy many rides. My wife has been a few time over the last couple years but I have not been since the week before they shut down in 2020. I must say, I am not terribly impressed with the "new" Disney. This is the first time I have visited Disney where I felt like a second class Disney citizen. My wife got us SoCal season passes so we aren't so fixated on cramming it all in in one day, so if future visits become unenjoyable we can/will just leave.

Thanks fro all the well wishes and prayers, they are appreciated.
Glad to hear your grandson’s doing better. Neonatal care is so tricky, but it’s certainly a step in the right direction.

Hope your father gets settled in quickly. Be well, Chris.
Not really a comprehensive journal post, but more of a short update of sorts....

I'm still on a shave every few days kind of routine so I am not exactyl burning through product or using a large vareity of gear. I have been using Longrifle soap (Hawkeye) for a while and I am thinking I will continue to do so until the tin is empty. For those who don't know (or remember) Longrifle soap is one of my favorite artisan soaps. They have been around awhile and offer some very enjoyable soaps of all kinds. I am not sure if they still do but they used to describe the shaving soap as being a classic Italian cream style. It is not a cream by any stretch but I think they were meaning it producess an Italian soap style creamy lather. The soap is easy to use and even after owning/using it for years it still has a great scent. Hawkeye isn't necessarily my favorite scent from their line up but it isn't a dud either, its worthy of a place in the den.
As far as gear goes, I have been using mostly the Tedalus or a knock off adjustable razor with a Wizmet blade. Last week (maybe the week before that ) the Tedalus felt off so I changed the blade to a fresh feather pro blade, the next 2 shaves were horrible, painful and bloody so I tossed that blade an have not used the Tedalus since. The Adjustable with Wizmet blade was doing very well ...until last night. I once again looked like I shaved with a cheese grater. Worse still is the fact that as I sit here now it feels like I have not shaved for days. So I will be tossing the blade after only 5 or 6 shaves. While I am blaming the blades I am also wonderign if my preshave routine might be part of the problem...although other than my preshave shwoer prep might be leaving my face hot (And prone to bleeding) I would have to struggle to explain how the routine would set me up for such epic failures. This leaves me wondering if its a frame of mind thing.

On another note. My dad has been living in his new assited living apartment for a month now and after weeks of work we are down to only a few larger peices of furniture and some trash to remove from his old digs. I am hopeful that my brother will stepp up and help get us over the finish line, but I won't hold my breath.
As the young(ish) ones are fond of saying, "it's been a minute..." so i figured I would get the journal caught up.

Let's start by getting a few of the personal day to day things out of the way:

As I mentioned in a new thread I started in the health & wellness forum my dad died in June. He had been sick in one way or another for several years but his condition changed very rapily the last 6 months or so. To be honest, I am still a bit shocked by how quickly things changed. Among other things, I inherited my dad's chaving gear. DON'T get too excited, the vintage gear he had was all stuff I had given him and the rest consisted of an electric shaver (I trashed it) and a Costco mega pack of the Gillette Fusion blades and a fancy Gillette razor that pivots. I don't know what I will ultimately do with the mega supply of blades but I did commit to using this razor set up until the pack of blades he had started is gone. We all know that it is possible to get a decent shave from these razors when you include a brush and soap in the process so I won't belabor that point. What I will say is that the "lubristrip" on the razors creates a crazy amount of gooey lubricity for the first couple of shaves. I don't know if I like that gooey snot stuff but it seems to serve a useful purpose. Other than requiring an insanly different technique the shaves have been quick and easy. I did immediately get (and still do) the expected ingrown hairs on my lower neck. There doesn't really seem to be anything I can do to avoid those little ingrown irritants but they aren't too bad. My favorite part of this fusion blade thing is the trimming blade on the top/back of the blade, it is great at helping to clean up the sideburns and 'stache. I even tried using it to shave my lower neck and it seems to result in fewer ingrown hairs but it isn't great.

On a more positive note, I joined a gym about 6 weeks ago and have been going pretty much every morning before work. I have been working to loose weight and get into better health for the last year so adding more purposeful physical activity just made sense. I have lost about 45 pounds since May/June and managed to KEEP it off, unfortunately I haven't lost any more weight since starting my regular workout routine. Despite not loosing MORE weight since jonting the gym, my health metrics have really improved over the last several months. My BP is in a very good range, my HgA1C is down from 6.4 to 5.2 (with my am blood sugars running just under 100) and my cholesterol/triglycerides and liver enzyms looking REALLY good. My daily workouts have resulted in some obvious changes to my body shape, strength, stamina etc so it has been a good thing so far. Going to the gym early has meant I need to wake up at least 30 minutes earlier and be ready to walk out the door, this hasn't always been easy and I usually need a nap at some point in thre afternoon but the routine seems like something I can stick with so I am hopefull.

The gym has a basic locker room with showers so I am able to shower before heading to the office and still arive at the office at a reasonable time. There are sinks available but I have yet to incorporate shaving into my morning routine so I have been continueing to shave at night...IF I shave at all during the week. I have the luxury of workign most days without the need to be presentable so having a few extra days of stubble is not an issue. I figure once the time changes I will probably be able to get up earlier and that might allow me to shave in the mornings again. I am kind of currious to try shaving after my 10 minute post workout steam room visit.

I have seen/experienced some REALLY crazy and entertaining things being at the gym so I will probably devote some space in my brain droppings journal to sharing some of these things.
Love this @CBLindsay, but I’m very sorry to hear about your dad’s passing.

Congratulations on the weight loss. I’ve done the same since my trip to Vegas to see you guys. I’m down about 35 lbs and I’m running 3-5 miles a day. I ran 10 miles with a group of friends last week and that was absolutely insane!

Enjoy getting terrible shaves from those carts, they were your dads. I’m sure you think of him each shave!

blessings buddy
Love this @CBLindsay, but I’m very sorry to hear about your dad’s passing.

Congratulations on the weight loss. I’ve done the same since my trip to Vegas to see you guys. I’m down about 35 lbs and I’m running 3-5 miles a day. I ran 10 miles with a group of friends last week and that was absolutely insane!

Enjoy getting terrible shaves from those carts, they were your dads. I’m sure you think of him each shave!

blessings buddy
I saw that you ran a 10k and wondered how that is possible. I am able to run for 3-5 at a time (interval type stuff) and getting better at it. I have never been a runner, mostly because I can not manage my breathing well. I have been working on the breathing and have pushed beyond the painful tight gate, now I just have to fnd a way to make it less boring...I litterally find myself running thinking to myself "why".

And @NurseDave & @GearNoir the lubristrips are indeed a unique experience. The extreme goo only lasts a shave or two so a good soap is definately needed. I have finished the cartridge my dad had started but have a bunch more sitting there. I may just keep them for a rainy day, I am not feeling sentimental about them but I know I would never willingly BUY them so havign them there in case I want one is probably a good thing. I would prefer if they were the MACH 3 blades, those seem to be pretty decent but they dont have that extra blade on the back to trim the edges.
I saw that you ran a 10k and wondered how that is possible. I am able to run for 3-5 at a time (interval type stuff) and getting better at it. I have never been a runner, mostly because I can not manage my breathing well. I have been working on the breathing and have pushed beyond the painful tight gate, now I just have to fnd a way to make it less boring...I litterally find myself running thinking to myself "why".

And @NurseDave & @GearNoir the lubristrips are indeed a unique experience. The extreme goo only lasts a shave or two so a good soap is definately needed. I have finished the cartridge my dad had started but have a bunch more sitting there. I may just keep them for a rainy day, I am not feeling sentimental about them but I know I would never willingly BUY them so havign them there in case I want one is probably a good thing. I would prefer if they were the MACH 3 blades, those seem to be pretty decent but they dont have that extra blade on the back to trim the edges.
I think the best thing I ever have done is start running outside and on the streets not a track. There’s something about the change in scenery that makes it so much more endurable. I also have never liked running, but it doesn’t bother me anywhere near as much now. I run with my F3 group in the early morning and it’s pretty enjoyable to run along and have a bit of banter at the same time.
On a more positive note, I joined a gym about 6 weeks ago and have been going pretty much every morning before work. I have been working to loose weight and get into better health for the last year so adding more purposeful physical activity just made sense. I have lost about 45 pounds since May/June and managed to KEEP it off, unfortunately I haven't lost any more weight since starting my regular workout routine. Despite not loosing MORE weight since jonting the gym, my health metrics have really improved over the last several months. My BP is in a very good range, my HgA1C is down from 6.4 to 5.2 (with my am blood sugars running just under 100) and my cholesterol/triglycerides and liver enzyms looking REALLY good. My daily workouts have resulted in some obvious changes to my body shape, strength, stamina etc so it has been a good thing so far. Going to the gym early has meant I need to wake up at least 30 minutes earlier and be ready to walk out the door, this hasn't always been easy and I usually need a nap at some point in thre afternoon but the routine seems like something I can stick with so I am hopeful.
Congratulations for your weight loss and improved health. I bet that you can feel the effects from this. 👍
Congratulations for your weight loss and improved health. I bet that you can feel the effects from this. 👍
Thank you, and yes, I am feeling better in a number of ways. I still have a few physical issues that have not gotten better that I was hoping the well rounded gym routine would resolve.
Gym rat update

According to my gym app, I have now visited the gym 29 days since joining about 5 weeks ago. Overall I am pretty pleased with my personal commitment and physical progress so far. I am still frustrated by the lack of weight loss BUT I am very happy to be maintaining weight while note feeling terribly deprived (I want cookies and sweets but I am surviving without them) so I will take the win where I can find it.

I continue to be amused by the cast of characters that visit the gym each day. There are of course the "typical" gym guys and gals grunting away on the free-weights and big machines but there are also an impressive number of geriatric folk makign use of the the Medicare paid gym membership. I tell you what...if you want to feel like a real lazy cheeseball? go to the gym and watch the parade of REALLY old people, a surprising number of whome using walkers and/or requiring a companion to hold their arm. On my very first visit while being escorted around by one of the personal trainers I watched as some old weezer with an oxygen tank performed bicept curls on one of the fancy machines. ...and to my great surprise there was an older lady (probably 70 or older) blasting away on the eliptical for most of the hour I was there. She made it look so easy I just had to try it, I struggled to get it moving and didn't last 3 minutes in total.