The Shaving Cadre

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BINGO Game #6 Rules, Sign-up and Banter Thread - Caller: dkeester

Good ol Chad was about to cry earlier this morning so i popped in to see what had him so upset. I chose to avoid bingo because my attention span is too short and my frustration too quick. To be honest I have no idea what y'all are talking about with your number "i'm 10,13,10,13" but i was able to read off 3 bingo number as quickly as I could read the sentences. I stopped at the first three i saw so if there are more I can go back and re-read the paragraph. I commend doug for breaking Chad.
Good ol Chad was about to cry earlier this morning so i popped in to see what had him so upset. I chose to avoid bingo because my attention span is too short and my frustration too quick. To be honest I have no idea what y'all are talking about with your number "i'm 10,13,10,13" but i was able to read off 3 bingo number as quickly as I could read the sentences. I stopped at the first three i saw so if there are more I can go back and re-read the paragraph. I commend doug for breaking Chad.

Chris that's how many hits are on our cards. 24 to win.

4, 0, 2 today........ 14, 13, 11, 12 overall
Been doing for the 2-3 hour cure time for the glue. Hopefully all goes well for it's inaugural shave this afternoon.

For some reason I think the faucet NurseDave recommended would have been nicer.
Apologies for the radio silence today. F***er of a day at work.

The calls will be posted this evening.
Apologies for the radio silence today. F***er of a day at work.

The calls will be posted this evening.

Its a trick! He’s already embedded them somewhere in the server side files and we have to hack the site to find them!
Apologies for the radio silence today. F***er of a day at work.

The calls will be posted this evening.
I guess we can play guess the blanks in the mean time.


