The Shaving Cadre

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BINGO Game #6 Rules, Sign-up and Banter Thread - Caller: dkeester

Do the rules change as you go? I think I found two numbers, then it falls apart.
Going to be honest I don't even know where to begin.
A few hints (some of these may be obvious):
- As you can see the calls must be written out since there are no numerals in the text.
- There are no number words, such as "nine", in the text so the words must be broken out into other words containing those letters.
- Some sentences have calls, some don't.
- The words containing parts of calls are padded. Meaning that not all words contain parts of calls.
- There is a pattern to which sentences, and which words contains calls or parts of calls.
A few hints (some of these may be obvious):
- As you can see the calls must be written out since there are no numerals in the text.
- There are no number words, such as "nine", in the text so the words must be broken out into other words containing those letters.
- Some sentences have calls, some don't.
- The words containing parts of calls are padded. Meaning that not all words contain parts of calls.
- There is a pattern to which sentences, and which words contains calls or parts of calls.

Sure now you post hints...You could have saved me so much time!

I can win this if I can get the first call every other day!!
Think I got them...and before seeing the hints! Took about a minute. That was fun!

I call bulls**t on that coffee mug.

I prefer coffee in my mug but to each his own....
I was about to go all ballistic and...then I saw the hints. With the hints they were pretty easy. Before the hints...I was ready to wait for a recap. Not sure what is what sheet is at home. Will check in later.