The Shaving Cadre

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BINGO Game #6 Rules, Sign-up and Banter Thread - Caller: dkeester

The images, while translations of the actual calls, were really meant to be misdirection. There is a line in the post that shows just a period in 8pt. font. There is more on that line than just the period. I figured someone would notice. I guess I was being too clever for my own good.

Yeah I realized after the hint. Good misdirection for sure. And all in fun. But the Nukes need to come out soon
Man, I had a super long day today, ended up working through lunch, and then about an hour late, so I just sat down to Bingo. Found them all right away..... what are you all complaining about?

0,1,1,1,3,1 today. 11,10,8,8 overall.

Still don't have a natural bingo....
Congratulations may be in order soon for something and someone, I thought I would never see happen in all the Years of Bingo ROFL. You kids play good and be nice to MR. Caller. AS I will Pull this car over HEHEHEHEHHE

Oh, and.......

I recognized the markings, or thought I did, right off the bat. I tried to find the cuneiform matches, but none of the keys I found matched exactly.

I spent so much time today looking up Babylonian numbers and letters!!!!!

3-3-3-3 for the day.

Lol John. ?
I recognized the markings, or thought I did, right off the bat. I tried to find the cuneiform matches, but none of the keys I found matched exactly.

Same boat here. He must have used Babylonian with a southern accent
9, 11, 10, 10...

Well, compared to the rest of you...I think I'm doing pretty good...but my finger is at the ready to push the button if things go south!
It should be noted that I lost one of my fingers to KJ for less annoying behavior than @dkeester has been exhibiting.
Good day, Bingo Buddies. Today in the Bingo Hall we are having a special event!

It's Magic Eye Day!

Here are your calls:

Well that's it! It's official...Doug is worse than the Monkey!
Really? Really? I haven't needed any help with Doug's calls. I remember searching for hours (literally) for John's calls and then still PMing someone else for help.

Doug has been completely fair, and is nowhere near Monkey level of EVIL.

2, 3, 2 for today...... 12, 11, 10, 10 Overall

Coincidentally, I've had a magic eye at my house for some time, but I just recently hung it up. When my kids came over this weekend it was the first time they had seen it. They all said they could never see those things. Within a few minutes I taught them all how to see them. They all love them now!