The Shaving Cadre

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BINGO Game #6 Rules, Sign-up and Banter Thread - Caller: dkeester

I'm gonna, no wait... we gonna need some of those hints!
So has the bingo become a who can make it more impossible to understand a call then any previous caller.............................
Well the hint helped. So that brings me to:

After all that, I put one mark on my cards today. ONE MARK!!! Do you hear me?!?!!?! ONE ()#&%(* MARK!!!
Found a bit of an error today, but then got the new number. Don't have that one either!!!
Yes, the 423131 string in the post was an old call. Sorry about that everyone. It has been removed from the post.
I am disappointed that no one seems to like my posting the calls in Cuneiform... Kidding.

Yes, there are translators for everything on the Interwebz these days.
On a serious note. If I am making this too hard or too frustrating, please let me know and I will tone it down.
On a serious note. If I am making this too hard or too frustrating, please let me know and I will tone it down.

I think the hardest part about the one today is that a simple google search yielded nothing because you pasted it as a picture. So there was no way to decipher what those scribbles actually mean.
I think the hardest part about the one today is that a simple google search yielded nothing because you pasted it as a picture. So there was no way to decipher what those scribbles actually mean.
The images, while translations of the actual calls, were really meant to be misdirection. There is a line in the post that shows just a period in 8pt. font. There is more on that line than just the period. I figured someone would notice. I guess I was being too clever for my own good.
I understand now. You're very ecological and trying to save my pen ink. That's very sweet of you.