The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game 1 5/15/2018 WE ARE LIVE and PLAYING

Catching up from over the weekend. 1/9, but it was in the x. It was my first one on there. Only 7 more numbers to go.
But I do appreciate you waiting until the work week started back up and I'm at my computer in the mornings to call anything useful again. I'm ready now. Go ahead Dave.
This time you got it right Dave, I did fall asleep, LOL, and see I can be accomodating, LOL

numbers shortly
umm....same again? it's been called three times, and all three times it's not on my

You can post it twice, it'll still be the same number. I guess when you're retired you can start drinking whenever the heck you want.
hmmmm I don't see anything wrong with any of the numbers you guys are daffy, muahahahaha