The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game 1 5/15/2018 WE ARE LIVE and PLAYING

OK, I have never been able to see these. I have tried hundreds of times since I was a teenager. We even had one hanging in my house for a while that I was never able to see the picture of. Everyone told me it was a sailboat. Anyways, the reason I am telling you this is because I usually try a couple of times then let a website tell me what I am supposed to be seeing. It couldn't even discern what the first one was. But the other 2 were in my x though.

I hate magic eyes, but all the ones I have deciphered have been in the x.
The only problem with your magic eye pictures, is that you're hosting them with imgur....... I can't even see the pictures. Can you direct upload these for the game?
The only problem with your magic eye pictures, is that you're hosting them with imgur....... I can't even see the pictures. Can you direct upload these for the game?

This would be greatly appreciated!
Imgur has nothing to do with whether you can see them or not in fact they are actually easier this way, but I will upload them shortly. Funny as the 1st one is the easiest. LOL

Give me a few moments Nancies
ok here are the direct links as requested, and for those giving up and taking the easy road, you can right click, and find some hints there ( view image info)

Well Mr. Dave my work blocks photo sharing sites like imgur and flikr etc.
Just stopping by for no apparent reason again. 0/3, just like yesterday. I'm just here to make the winner feel better.
Great now I have a headache and still only 1 number in the "X" and it wasn't a magic eye!

I'm sharpening the Pitchfork!

Yeah That'll do it!

Thanks Dave for the pics! That helps a lot. I actually got a hit today! I'm 4/9/24.... so I'm still two days away from a win.