The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Bingo Game 1 5/15/2018 WE ARE LIVE and PLAYING

3 for 3 today if you would JUST call * i could shout out BINGO and claim my free buffet ticket
Kinda like these kind of images. I suspect they would be easier if one were stoned, or taking the meds I’m on.
Well I'm in trouble. I can start till my eyes pop out but I will never see these things. Between this and and 010001 thing I can't win. You're lucky I can't see or else I'd have my pitch fork already!
Rushed right in here to see if the 6 numbers I need to win were called. I see the king of the roost is still sleeping.
Guten Tag Leute nach ihrem schrecklichen magischen Auge, können Sie einen schönen Tag einfach für die Zahlen. Hier gehen Sie und viel Glück



O, again. Really Dave, you still have some numbers that aren't on my card! Couple of days more, and then I'll be 3/3 every day?
My plan is working out fine. 2/3, after many 0 days. And they're out of X, so I'm still in for no-hitter prize!
Never mind that there is no such prize, I'll play for it?
Has KJ verified that Dave has received sufficient training to be a bingo caller in an organization as prestigious as ours?