The Shaving Cadre

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Bill TV

Oh man, your views are going to skyrocket with that handsome devil on your wall!

BTW Nivea 2:1 isn’t sold in the US. Have to order in from Germany.
Wall? Huh? What? Ugh! Errrr!

That was a setup by that bunch of hoodlums with the hookah wagon in tow. I better go check the liquor cabinet.
Bill, what is a back bevel?
It is a compound bevel where the more acute bevel is made secondarily behind an existing edge.

When I originally compound beveled knives on rod guided systems I would fully sharpen at say 34° inclusive then redo the very edge on fine grits at 40° inclusive angles. I was later told I should be finishing the knife at the higher angle first, then cutting away behind my edge at the more acute angle. A lot of extra work is involved an I only continue to do it on 1 kitchen knife.

The base theory being, thinner cuts with less force than thick. Thin knives slice carrots easier than thick knives even if they have a duller edge.
Bill forgot who he was there for a minute at the end! Must be enjoying that time off!
I would have blamed the Manhattan, but I’m having it now.

Besides, I used to be compensated handsomely for remembering things and thinking. Now I have no such responsibility or numerations.
It is a compound bevel where the more acute bevel is made secondarily behind an existing edge.

When I originally compound beveled knives on rod guided systems I would fully sharpen at say 34° inclusive then redo the very edge on fine grits at 40° inclusive angles. I was later told I should be finishing the knife at the higher angle first, then cutting away behind my edge at the more acute angle. A lot of extra work is involved an I only continue to do it on 1 kitchen knife.

The base theory being, thinner cuts with less force than thick. Thin knives slice carrots easier than thick knives even if they have a duller edge.
To me back beveling using convex stones mean that i can hone the razor starting from the shoulder of the bevel without the actual apex contacting the stone. I use it as an 2-3 step process, using a different radius on each stone. The first stone shapes the bevel, the second stone refines the lower part of the bevel and starts to work on the apex. The last stone finishes the apex. The last stone can be flat, or have an really big radius (feather light strokes). You end up with a taller, more flexible bevel and a cleaner apex. If you only look at the geometry it does not really make sense, because the radius should not make that much of a difference. The reason you can thin the bevel plane is because it is flexing, if done in a stepwise manner. The effect can be quite dramatic in my opinion. For a more durable edge a flat finisher works just as well and is my preferred way of finishing if the geometry of the razor is good.
For this initial experiment I used:
12’ radius arks
3’ radius coticule
12’ radius Naniwa 12k
12’ radius balsa progression to 0.10 micron cBN
Flat bench roo strop

Each steps improvement can be crudely verified by magnification and my adopted “foam packing peanut test”.

I’m probably not spot on following the ancient grinders textbook, but I do think I felt an improvement in my shave experience. I look forward to more practice and shaving exposure.
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Cruel, Showing me a Straight, you evil man, LOL Nice Vid
A man only NEEDS 3 razors.

• Essence by Tedalus
(the use of ProGuards can be legally classified as a safety razor for the purpose of the Blood Thinner Police)
• Feather AS-D2
• Blackland Vector

As I see it, your dance card is 2/3 punched. Maybe Santa will be nice.

ps - can I have first crack at your BST listing?

pss - history is completely void of shaving bleed outs from ProGuards!
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Nice shave. Excellent Boker razor. Just finished watching. So your new mount takes you away further from the mirror, not closer?

It winds up about 2” further from the glass, at the minimum.

Since I’m using the mirror to shave and just monitoring my vid with the phone in selfie mode, it is more out of the way the closer I get to the glass.

A fair trade off for less chance of the setup falling.