I had my first shave with PdP 63 today and the best way to sum up the shave is Wow! Lathering was easy, after soaking the puck, 30 seconds with the Kent Infinity Silvertex gave me 3 passes worth of lather. Face lathering, I had a very rich, slick, cushioning lather in no time. 2 smooth passes with the Mergress on 3 with a 3 shave Med Prep Personna and I was BBS. Followed up with Lucky Tiger, but the Shea Butter from the soap left my skin feeling great. It’s a significant upgrade over SCS. My only quibble would be the scent, which is strong and cologne-y, but I expect it to mellow with use. If the next 3-4 months of shaves are like this one, I will be a very happy camper.