The Shaving Cadre

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BarberDave's Shaveapalooza

Saturday’s Shave

no photo today, so the line up was
Feather ASD2 / Feather
Sorrentino Corleone / Synth
Boellis Panama Shave Soap / Daytona AS / Edp

Quick shave today at 4:00 am. All good stuff

A client whom forgot to make an appointment begged for me to get him in, with a call at 9:30 pm. Alas, booked I tell him… C’mon Dave… I am leaving for a vacation on Monday and really need a cut. Wanting to get him off the phone so I could continue my dram, I said jokingly ok but at 5:30 am, and it will be $100.00, thinking he would say….Ok i will go to SuperCuts, but no. So he says Ok but since it is 5:30 can we say $150.00 if you include a straight razor shave. SURE! See you in the am. $250.00 including tip for 1.5 hours work. It is going to be a good day!

Being early, dark, and post-caffeine, and while shaving a “clink, clink, clink was heard from the darkened den. What appeared next was very similar to Mr Mc Gowen’s alternate time line in It’s a Wonderful Life, But with teeth, and large ears. Kona was not happy to be awoken and wanted to make sure he drunkenly stumbled over and chuff a bit. Now I realize that he is not a morning dog, or him and Ruger were having a Catnip and Milbone bender in the wee hours while we slept. I ushered him to the sliding glass door to go do his business. He got halfway out the door looked back as if to say:
“It’s too early, too dark, and there be critters out there and my butt will get cold. A slight push and he relented, with a look that seemed to say a descriptive adjective and down the steps he went. Payback was swift as he negotiated two pieces of doggie jerky, a couple of doggie cookies, and a slice of doggie duck jerky. And then looked back at me went to his bed in then plopped down and promptly went back to sleep

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Sunday's Shave


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A "rinse, lather repeat" shave from yesterday, but today I really enjoyed it with a Str8 and no time contraints. Another wonderful shave

Lazy Sunday today, maybe some grilling, a scotch review video, getting some samples ready for another tasting, a cigar and just wasting time on the porch.

Goofy Dog, Ruger and Maui are planning something big, but under the guise that, to them as well it is a lazy Sunday. Today upon awakening all three were in the den, in tactical positions. Just laying there pretending to nap, although without even opening his eyes, the "Thump, Thump" of a wagging tail gave up the jig. Gonna have to to better than that Kona, as the cats confirmed by immediately "waking up" and glared at him. Played a bit of fetch, and he disturbed a bunch of Butterflies. It was almost surreal and once he hopped in the bushes ( weeds ) he just stood there with hundreds, if not thousands if little butterflies engulfing him. It stopped and he would do it again, and just sit down and observe. Made me think of the Heart song "Dog & Butterfly". Really it was Magical to watch. This is a Really Special Pooch.

Video posted
Monday's Shave


ahh to have my production back, parted hair, no goatee ( although there is a petition to have be grow one back ) and Cubebe. Perfect shave
Video posted

OTHER RAMBLINGS: My normal Monday errance, Post office, bank, and today a Date Afternoon with the Queen. Sushi on the menu A perfect day. Found a new Sushi joint that is Micronesian owned, all you can eat, and made is feel like "Ohana" immediately. Some of the offerings were unique with a nice twist, no restrictions on what you could order, and a SPAM Sushi Roll! AMAZING!

The continued plans of our demise are apparently on the "down low" now as all furry family member are behaving..... Well sort of. Kona is still using our bed as his "release of all puppiness and he will jum up there butt in air, tail waggin and does his imitation of the Tazmanian Devil and just spins, and spins unitl all the cover are twisted up to a mountain, and then he attacks said mountain, and any hands that get near him. All play of course and then gets the zoomies.

He does however still suffer a bit from separation anxiety, we would love to take him everywhere but it is still way to hot to leave him in the car for even a second, and when we do, one of stays in the car with the AC on, while he whines until the other one gets back. Also upon our return home we discovered he found the Vitamin D. Fortunately the child proof cap and packing prevented him from accessing. After he went into the large part of the ranch and I discovered not only were butterflies on target but rabbits, and he is just as fast or faster. Thankfully he did not catch one. He also seems to think he is a Kangaroo. Hopping, sometimes as high as 4 ft to bound through stuff, but he is really happy when just going Mach 3 everywhere, then once back on the patio he just flops.

Later inside, as to keep him on task Ruger, The Feline Overloard came up to him and very lightly became French, and gave him the glove smack on both sides of his nose. Kona accepted the dual and once both on our bed he "Tazzed" Ruger and launched him off the bed. Game over, LOL

The Fun ensues

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Tuesday's Shave


Quick and easy DE shave today with the Blackbird. Video posted

Nothing to report 7 bells and all is well

Lazy Day, Lazy Dog, although did let him spread his wings a bi in the open yard... and became a kangaroo again......

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Wednesday’s Shave

Brut, Brut & Mitchell’s. With some help from a President and an Italian. Good 3-pass early morning shave

Was a nice crisp morning in the 60’s. Looks like the triple digits are just about gone. Busy day at the shop so far.

Not much to report, as this morning was too early for him to get up, finally got his hungover butt to go out. He was not a happy camper and demanded a cookie for not only going out but for getting out of bed early LOL
Thursday’s Shave


Good 3-pass shave today. Day 2 with the President with AE Kaizen along to provide tje medium to skate on. Another Italiam brush to help out and the British Royal Mandarin to top off. Great start to the day

Another busy day at the shop. Overcast with a bit of rain possible

He was up and Adam early…. Too early as he made the mistake of placing a cold nose onto the one part of our family whom is now retired and likes to sleep in…. Well past 5:00 am. OOPS. Needless to say I averted him being launched off the bed. He went out nice and easy to avoid the wrath LOL. A negotiation of duck jerky and a few cookies and he hung out with me while i shaved, until the stuffed Octopus required a smack down
Sunday's Shave


A nice aquatic today, and the TH soap was kind and not a foamy mess as it sometimes can be. 3 passes and a finish of the 1805 aftershave which is a nice blend of woods, salt air, sail linen and ozone. Finished off with the Penhaligon's Blasted Heath which just adds almost a salty seaweed component which is truly nice. I call it the Oud of the sea. One of Pens's best scents IMHO

Well summer here on the sun is moving on, and one last chance for the monsoon to show us some rain. Not a normal day as it was lightly raining and misty here on the Ranch. The peaks just behind us covered in that mist except for the tops of the 10,000 ft peak. Magical really and temps in the 60's for the morning, headed to the 80's.... Perfect

As mentioned in my video we took KONABUG ( one of many nicknames ) over to a friends to meet new people, get him socialized, and meet new dogs as well. It was a hit and they played for HOURS. So much so that we cam home with a Golden Retriever slobber Spitty coated KONA, even after drying. But he was happy and tired, so much so that this morning he would not even move so I could revive my legs that he plopped down on for the whole night, and even when I got up he just moved over to my spot and fell asleep. It was about 10 before I could even get him to go outside. So much fun to see him so happy. Again Thanks to @uacowboy and @sunnysanity for bringing KONA to us.

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Monday’s shave

Nice Tradere Shave today and with the Boellis. Finished with Nivea 2/1 and all Dayton, talc and Thayers. Good stuff before headed to the shop for a deep clean

As mentioned above once a month a do a deep, deep, sanitization of the shop, get my shears sharpened an sterilize all my other implements , razors, strops, etc, including a UV light sterilization on the whole interior. Probably overkill, but I am very OCD about this stuff, plus as it turns out, James, my sharpening guy is a Whisky and cigar nut, so while he is sharpening we shoot the crap. Even though it is at my workplace on my day off, I give him a haircut and shave and he sharpens so it is a great deal

Kona the perro was being aloof today, looked up, and went back to sleep…. Of Course after I let him out and gave him treats. So there is that

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