The Shaving Cadre

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BarberDave's Shaveapalooza

Monday Evening Shave.... What?!



The budget top tier shave today with Senor Razor Rock and Santa Maria Del Fiore, that Iconic church in Florence. Made by a mystery soap maker in Italy it has notes of Citrus and Vanilla and very Nice for an evening Zen Shave. 3-passes with the Blackbird Ti, some as and Acqua di Parma and nice for a precursor to an adult beverage and cigar to cap the evening - Video as well

Busy Monday, hence the Night shave, as was running a ton of errands all over the city today. Monday's are usually set for that for most Barbers, as banking and Pro shop day to pick up supplies. In my case it also included a trip to the cigar store which just happened to be next door to another place I needed to go..... How Lucky LOL

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14 September 2021
Tuesday's Shave



Since last evenings shave took place, not a ton to work with this morning, so just a two pass shave and a bit of cleanup with the Vector/Pro-guard. As we discussed at the TSC Zoom with so much "stuff" some times you forget what is in the back of the soap locker, especially when it is 4 rows deep. This is a nice citrus based shave soap and does a good job with the matching AS. Add a Bit of Brut Special Reserve and all is well.

I think the neurosurgeon may have removed some of the "AD" Shave section of the nervous system. As odd and weird ( I blame 2021 and Covid ) I will probably be really reducing the den overtime, as I find myself grabbing for a certain number of items repeatedly, and using a smaller number of brushes, and all sorts of accoutrements. OR this is just a dream, and I just have not picked up the phone from the Matrix Operator, LOL..... BarberDave a 3017'er, never, but more of a minimalist in shaving stuff? Maybe, just maybe, as I have found a good rotation of really good items. I know Crazy talk... Maybe the the apocalypse is closer than we think. I find myself having more fun enabling rather than buying, and if that happens......... Coming for your wallets TSC.... well more so than I have for all these years hehe

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Thursday’s Shave

More of a “it’s too darn early” grab bag of stuff at 0430 in the am. Worked out well and everything played well together. The “Crat” dis a fine job with the “wiz” driving. Topped it off with Royall Yacht and it made it being “un-Godly” early much better for DSBBS

1st full book of appts today, so we will see of the body, back and legs are ready. Have my EMG tomorrow, with hopes that is is nothing

We have had our new family member for a bit now, and have realized he has some fun goofy ways that i will share from time to time. He is the only pooch I have ever had that loves coffee ( no we don’t give him any ) and when he gets the crazies he becomes a tornado and just spins and spins while growling and barking. We know that he is a Gerberian Shepsky, however he had Coyote mannerisms sometimes, including green/gold eyes and can look a bit psycho sometimes. Kona and the Feline Overloard Ruger, whom you know, are getting along great when calm, but chase each other round the house until Ruger stops and turns. More than once we have seen an errant claw in the nose. Then they will camp out together. Go figure- Stayed tuned for the next episode of the KONA FILES

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Friday's Shave



Yet another "o'dark-thirty" shave before a short day at the shop as this is the day of my electrocution.. OK not really, anyway Fall is on the way so time to bring out those scents, and this includes Tundra Artica. With the Tradere and the Wiz, it made it a great day for a 3-pass shave. Finished with the aftershave and Penhaligon's Elixir for the EdP DSBBS all the way

It is amazing that after hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs for surgery, follow up visits blah blah blah, you agree to pay your neurologists to stick needles in your nerves and flip a switch to watch you twitch. LOL. That happens later today, but if it resolves and or determines if there is anything of a "bad nature" going on. We shall see.

Again, I believe our demise is underway. Strangely as I awoke and enter the darkened room near my shave den, I observed an odd thing. In the dark, nose to nose, were Kona, the sweet young pup, and Ruger, the Feline Overlord. To my early morning, non-caffeinated eyes it appeared as if they were discussing something..... As I reached for the light they, then became a normal dog and cat. I am certain that Ruger has recruited the Dog into his evil scheme, as of yet has not been determined. It is also evident that Ruger has told Kona to maintain his goofy, tail chasing, butt raising, tail wagging tornado ways, in an effort to throw us off. I present the 1st bit of evidence. As I arrived home to get ready for my torture from Count Rugen, I was informed that, again, late last night Kona and Ruger were mysteriously lying next to Kona's food and today I discovered a very small hole in the bag. One that only could have been done by a Cat Claw DUN DUN DAAAA.

So, to pay for Kona's Servitude, Ruger gives him a piece of dog food for his loyalty as the hole is only big enough for a piece or two. Now that packaging tape has been applied, Ruger will have to try some other sort of extorsion, I think Ruger has been watching too many Mob Movies and thinks he is Don Corleone. Even now as I write this both Kona and Ruger are sitting next to me looking all "We Love you Daddy".. I am on to their caper..... More later

For those that have not seen here is Catsa Nostra and the newest "mechanic" Kona. From L to R Ruger: Da Boss. Maui: The Capo ( who acts like Owen Wilson ) Kona: The Insider

Ruger.jpgKahuna.jpgKona .jpg

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Well.. just back from the Neuro Torture chamber, and actually it was not that bad, A bit more than a tattoo needle and less than the experiments my hosts in Bosnia practiced so many moons ago. Good news is no ALS, Bad news is there is some neuropathy, but it is no Radial ( on both sides ) and seems to be from the sacral area right where my Lumbar fusion ends. There was not detectable noise or mumur from that are, which means the Nerve has gone quiet, or is dead, but will find out more when I do a follow up with the surgeon on Tuesday.. So the good news is no diabetes, no ALS, no serious stuff , but still looking at MS as a possibility but very slim, as the Neurologist put it, it may be just old age, and battlescars catching up

Thanks for all the well wishes, it is appreciated
Seems like good enough news. Worst case one butt cheek goes numb ;)
Well.. just back from the Neuro Torture chamber, and actually it was not that bad, A bit more than a tattoo needle and less than the experiments my hosts in Bosnia practiced so many moons ago. Good news is no ALS, Bad news is there is some neuropathy, but it is no Radial ( on both sides ) and seems to be from the sacral area right where my Lumbar fusion ends. There was not detectable noise or mumur from that are, which means the Nerve has gone quiet, or is dead, but will find out more when I do a follow up with the surgeon on Tuesday.. So the good news is no diabetes, no ALS, no serious stuff , but still looking at MS as a possibility but very slim, as the Neurologist put it, it may be just old age, and battlescars catching up

Thanks for all the well wishes, it is appreciated
This old bullet sponge started using a cane about three years past. I too, went through those tests, and I was fortunate it was nothing serious. I wish the same for you. My PA, a former Green Beret Medic, told me, “Bubba, your sh#ts wore out”, as he rested his cane on his desk.