The Shaving Cadre

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Balancing on the Razor's Edge of (In)Sanity

Good stuff it and the Tom Ford Grey Vetiver (y)
Glad to hear - I sampled the Tom Ford once in a department store. I liked it better than Guerlain ( although Guerlain isn’t bad, just not prominent enough for me as a scent 🤷‍♂️)... Tom Ford is too Rich for my blood, so whenever I get back to a Sephora or Ulta, AND if they are even giving out samples now, I’lol have to grab some more samples from Ol’ Tommy Boy.
Glad to hear - I sampled the Tom Ford once in a department store. I liked it better than Guerlain ( although Guerlain isn’t bad, just not prominent enough for me as a scent 🤷‍♂️)... Tom Ford is too Rich for my blood, so whenever I get back to a Sephora or Ulta, AND if they are even giving out samples now, I’lol have to grab some more samples from Ol’ Tommy Boy.
I got it in a BST or wouldn't be enjoying it like I am. Did I get the Guerlain from you?!?! I forget who I bought it from.....
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I got it in a BST or wouldn't be enjoying it like I am. Did I get the Guerlain from you?!?! I forget who I bought it from.....
Yes! That’s exactly why I asked 😆it was not long after I joined, January this year - see, I am unremarkable🤣
Oh, Also gave A*Men a proper wearing today ... as the wife was as work 😉since this is my first gourmand, it was a little different. Didn’t help that it was thunderstorms and the temp ranged from 65-85. Still, smelled pretty good. I get cocoa and a little toffee and woodsy scent from the patchouli. I can’t say it’s for everyone, but if you have gourmand experience, it’s a safe blind buy. Nothing too funky about it. Just different to me. I’m glad I bought it; will be a great fall and winter scent, for sure 👍even had a 30+ min workout with it on and the scent did well with the sweat (I don’t recommend it for summer wear, but you could get away with it without smelling too “strong”)
I’ve been through a few dozen different brands/types. I always gave my wife duller blades, derby’s, sharks, Merkurs, etc. I have used permasharps the last few years. Mix in a few dull blades for the more aggressive razors. The GSB have been good so far for both of us. I had her try the Gillette 7’o clocks in the yellow packaging.... LOL she told me they were “tuggy” before I had a chance to tell her!
I’m not picky, I know blades on sharpness spectrum. Just trying to find one we both agree on.... my facial hair is like barn wire and her lady leg hair is soft like baby’s hair... good luck me!
I had the same problem with wirey hair (redheaded Scottish) as well as sensitive skin. If you haven't yet tried them, the Personna Comfort Blades have been phenomenal for me. Prior to that, I've used BIC Chrome and Gillette 7 o'clock black.

Welcome to the Journals. Awesome first entry!
I had the same problem with wirey hair (redheaded Scottish) as well as sensitive skin. If you haven't yet tried them, the Personna Comfort Blades have been phenomenal for me. Prior to that, I've used BIC Chrome and Gillette 7 o'clock black.

Welcome to the Journals. Awesome first entry!
Thank you for your comment. I’ve tried Personna, they were unremarkable, but it’s been awhile, so worth a retry at this point. Bic were a no go; Gillette 7 o clock black are on my radar 👍👍👍 thanks!
I’ve been through a few dozen different brands/types. I always gave my wife duller blades, derby’s, sharks, Merkurs, etc. I have used permasharps the last few years. Mix in a few dull blades for the more aggressive razors. The GSB have been good so far for both of us. I had her try the Gillette 7’o clocks in the yellow packaging.... LOL she told me they were “tuggy” before I had a chance to tell her!
I’m not picky, I know blades on sharpness spectrum. Just trying to find one we both agree on.... my facial hair is like barn wire and her lady leg hair is soft like baby’s hair... good luck me!
Good luck. I can't think of anything that might even remotely work for both. :ROFLMAO:
Ha! I’m in Howell city, we recently had one of those crazy protests ...right where I get Dairy Queen with my kids ... 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
I could tell you stories about Howell, but you've probably already heard 'em.

One time in Nursing Skool a female student of a darker hue got lost, headed to one of the Flint hospitals, going to one of our clinical rotations. Somehow got herself turned around on I-69. Ended up in Howell, asked for directions at a gas station. Hours later she was still shaking in fear.

This was 20ish years ago, so it's probably not as big an issue anymore. One can pray!
I could tell you stories about Howell, but you've probably already heard 'em.

One time in Nursing Skool a female student of a darker hue got lost, headed to one of the Flint hospitals, going to one of our clinical rotations. Somehow got herself turned around on I-69. Ended up in Howell, asked for directions at a gas station. Hours later she was still shaking in fear.

This was 20ish years ago, so it's probably not as big an issue anymore. One can pray!
Oh I couldn’t imagine that today! Soccer moms and baked goods is all I see downtown! There was a rumor years back but Ended up having to do with a neighboring township. But still, not here... that was the reason for protest...misinformation 👎
Oh I couldn’t imagine that today! Soccer moms and baked goods is all I see downtown! There was a rumor years back but Ended up having to do with a neighboring township. But still, not here... that was the reason for protest...misinformation 👎
Praise the Lord. As you can see from my detailed memory, it left a HUGE impact on me. And I truly should not have said anything about it today, but this kind of stuff is ugly to me. Sorry. Us Michiganders tend to think racism don't start on I-75 North until you hit somewhere in Kentucky.