The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

  • Mike's Natural Soaps Bergamot, Orange, & Ylang-ylang (15)
  • TSC 2nd Anniversary synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (8)
  • Stirling Dunshire splash
Best shave yet with this setup, and they've all been pretty good. I'm nearly ready for the holiday weekend, plus I'm off next week. Going to the shooting range with my son and his GF while off, as well as going cycling for the first time in a couple of years - first time since the back surgery and my vertigo adventure. I'm a little nervous, but I should be alright.
Shooting range! I need to get out to one soon too.

What do you shoot/shoot with Bruce?
My personal favorite is my Ruger SR9C in 9mm. My son and I will be taking turns with that and a couple of .22lr pistols. His GF will most likely be shooting the Ruger Marksman III with 7in barrel. That is a sweet target pistol. :)

Got a couple of Henry (.30-.30, .22lr) and Savage (.308) rifles, but we won't be bringing those.
I'm excited for your bike ride. It must be nice to gradually return to the things you used to do before the surgery.
  • Mike's Natural Soaps Bergamot, Orange, & Ylang-ylang (16)
  • TSC 2nd Anniversary synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (9)
  • Stirling Dunshire splash
Good early afternoon shave. 88F and humid today, so very limited outdoor activities. If it cools off tonight I may have a cigar on the patio.
  • Mike's Natural Soaps Bergamot, Orange, & Ylang-ylang (18)
  • TSC 2nd Anniversary synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (1)
  • Stirling Dunshire splash
Took care of a couple of minor errands. Honestly, a short trip to the grocery store can be entertaining. Got a slightly bigger cigar to enjoy later.
  • Mike's Natural Soaps Bergamot, Orange, & Ylang-ylang (19)
  • TSC 2nd Anniversary synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (2)
  • Stirling Dunshire splash
The usual quality shave with this setup.
  • Mike's Natural Soaps Bergamot, Orange, & Ylang-ylang (20)
  • TSC 2nd Anniversary synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick Proline (3)
  • Stirling Dunshire splash
Dare I say it, did this shave approach Velveteen? Very pleased with the results.

There was a little surface rust on the inside of my car's gas cap area. I steel wooled it and sprayed on rust inhibitor. Today I put another coat on. Tomorrow I go over the seven year old body and daub on matching paint in any chip or scratch areas.