The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

Same 0-2 here. *sigh*

... but I cannot bring myself to cheer for a non-Giants NFC team in the big game.
I get it, but KC must go down. I don’t look at as rooting for the Eagles - it’s about rooting against the Chiefs, which is obligatory.

CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Gillette 1946ish Aristocrat/Bluebird Hi Stainless (9)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Hello Cadre! It’s a balmy 40F/4C today. Better than yesterday in so many ways. Had plumbers over yesterday because we had water in our basement, backing up from the house drain. To make matters even better, our furnace had conked out sometime overnight. Many hours and dollars later, the water was gone and our heat was again functioning. However, to fully correct the drainage problem it will cost us many, many more dollars for the house drain to be replaced. Depending upon what the magic industrial-strength colonoscope reveals will determine whether or not we’ll need to spend many, many, many more dollars. We shall see. Work begins in a couple of weeks. Oh boy!

Have a wonderful day! 🙂
I find the whole anti-KC thing interesting. Not watching a single game this year, what I'm picking up is just people want someone else to win. This reminds me of the glory days of basketball and the reign of Michael Jordan. The sentiment wasn't to give someone else a chance, it was let's see if they can do it again. If they built a team that's kicking butt, they should be revered.
If they built a team that's kicking butt, they should be revered.
Dave, it is painfully obvious to us all that you don’t follow NFL football very closely. Your sentiment about revering a winning team applies ONLY to the Six Time Super Bowl Champion PITTSBURGH STEELERS. You’d understand if you lived here. Please sit quietly in the back now.

CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Gillette 1946ish Aristocrat/Bluebird Hi Stainless (10)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Happy Almost Friday, Cadre! It reached 46F/8C today. It’s overcast, but who cares? Enjoy your day. 🙂
CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Gillette 1946ish Aristocrat/Bluebird Hi Stainless (2)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Happy Saturday, one and all. It’s a beautiful sunny day here, in spite of the fact that’s it’s only 30F/-1C. It was supposed to be well above freezing today, but they lied. 😡 However, it’s still a nice day. I’m still trying to wrap my head around having to root for Philadelphia next Sunday. It’s like when you have to root for the Cowboys or Patriots because it will help your team. You know it’s morally and ethically wrong, but must be done. 😖 Enjoy the weekend, folks!
I’m fortunate enough to have obtained a rare copy of “FDR: American Badass”, a documentary using recently unearthed archival footage from his time as NY governor throughout his presidency. I’m just a few minutes into it, but it is revelatory. For instance, I’ve already learned that he contracted polio from a Nazi werewolf bite! More to follow…
This is an introductory trailer for the documentary. Without revealing too much, let me simply say that the history books got it all wrong. This documentary and the trailer are a must-see for all nazi-hating Americans. FDR lived the credo, “The only good nazi is a dead nazi!” NSFW.
This is an introductory trailer for the documentary. Without revealing too much, let me simply say that the history books got it all wrong. This documentary and the trailer are a must-see for all nazi-hating Americans. FDR lived the credo, “The only good nazi is a dead nazi!” NSFW.
Gotta watch this!!! :ROFLMAO:
Gotta watch this!!! :ROFLMAO:
I must warn you, this is a no holds barred biography of our longest serving president. He swore like a sailor, and had a seamy side to him when in Warm Springs, Georgia. However, this is a must-have documentary for every American presidential and WWII historian. I keep it alongside my Lincoln documentary which, incredibly, has even RARER archival footage of one of the darkest periods of our democracy.
Iffin I rekkerlect kerrectly, it also has a young Teddy Roosevelt in it. (He has a big stick)
It may; I cannot recall. I was mostly interested in the historical significance of Mr Lincoln’s vampire actions during the Civil War. It’s quite enlightening. 👍

CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Gillette 1946ish Aristocrat/Bluebird Hi Stainless (3)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

This was actually yesterday’s shave - I was so busy that I neglected to post it. I was going to shave today, but was again busy, so I didn’t. Tomorrow will be fine.

Today and yesterday my wife and I have been working in the basement, cleaning and removing an old carpet, and generally getting ready for the plumbers next Tuesday and Wednesday. Lot of work. Be well, Cadre. 🙂
CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Gillette 1946ish Aristocrat/Bluebird Hi Stainless (4)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Good morning, Cadre. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, hope yours is the same. Some more work in the basement today - mostly just cutting up the old carpet into smaller pieces to fit into the heavy duty garbage bags. Have a good one. 🙂
CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Gillette 1946ish Aristocrat/Bluebird Hi Stainless (5)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Another glorious shave brought to you by @thecajunblade ‘s wondrous Savon Nu unscented shaving soap. If you haven’t yet tried his products, you are a Loser! Yes, that’s Loser, with a capital L. Go to his Etsy shop and correct your deficiency today. He even carries scented soaps, for those of you who must.

Here is my basement floor after removing the carpet and mopping. We’ve been here almost 28 years, but never had to change the carpet. It’s just the basement, so we were content to keep it vacuumed, and every once in awhile shampooed. The water came through the floor drain, and up to the furnace on the right. It didn’t harm the furnace - we just needed a new thermostat to fix it. For some godawful reason, the previous owners only vinyl painted near the drain, and carpeted the rest. The water wicked up the carpet, so we had to remove the wet and damp parts after shampooing and sucking up the shampoo/water. The plumbers will be here Tuesday, not giving us enough time to take out all of the remaining carpet. That’s a job for another day. Under the carpet is glue and concrete. Now we’ll need to clear out the basement and either cover the entire floor with vinyl paint or linoleum. What kind of moron does such a half-ass job? I can answer that: the kind that glues carpet so darned close to a floor drain! SMDH.
Tone it down there Turbo , maybe a little less Diet Pepsi, LOL
Actually, my Diet Pepsi is caffeine free. I am allotted two cups of high test coffee, or four cups half-caffeinated. I go with the four cups. 😉

CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Gillette 1946ish Aristocrat/Bluebird Hi Stainless (6)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Up early this morning for routine bloodwork. Had to have a fasting blood sugar, so I made it there early to get it over with. An afternoon shave for festivities later on. Have a great weekend, everyone. 🙂
CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Gillette 1946ish Aristocrat/Bluebird Hi Stainless (7)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Thunderstorm happening here now, but it’s 37F/3C so I don’t care. Going out in a little while, roads aren’t frozen, so life is good! Enjoy the weekend, Cadre! 😀