CajunBlade Savon Nu unscented
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Derby Extra (6)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
I thought I’d posted this earlier. Glad I checked back. This being Friday, I went out to get together with good friends. I’m outing myself now to the whole group - regular Zoom folks already know. These gatherings I look forward to are AA meetings. I’ve settled into a routine of going to meetings every Friday and Saturday night, though there are daily meetings at all hours around Pittsburgh. I got sober in November of 1991, and life has been good, very good, since. Tonight’s meeting was an event celebrating the group’s 45th anniversary since its founding. The last surviving founding member, Roger, was there to speak about the group’s history in front of at least 80+ people, probably closer to 100. Roger was seated at a table near me. Nearly everyone at his table was someone whom I had met when I came in 33 years ago. It was wonderful beyond description to see them all together again. Without their kindness, compassion, and help I doubt I’d be sober today. Roger would have had 12-13 years sobriety when I started out, the others less. I looked up to them all then, but Roger was like a god to me - he was, is, so confident and self-assured. I cannot adequately express my joy, gratitude, and love for him and his friends. Wonderful to see him and other friends who were there for me at the beginning.
So why go to AA meetings after decades of sobriety? The simple fact is it works, it helps me to maintain my sobriety. Another equally important reason is that it’s vital for new folks to see us old timers at meetings - it can give them hope and confidence. AA meetings vary slightly from region to region, but all share a commonality which occurred to me some time ago. It’s about Sharing and Caring. Sharing our experience, strength, and hope, and caring about the people who walk through the doors and try to rebuild their lives. A popular AA analogy is that we are all survivors in a lifeboat, bound together by our fierce determination to live better lives. We need one another to survive, and this forges an unbreakable bond among us and all fellow survivors. Sobriety can be described as a gift, and giving back, paying forward, helps us keep our gift close to our hearts. I wouldn’t want to live any other way than this. It’s a joy to be alive and able to share this joy with others.
Good night Cadre, and be well my friends.