Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests.
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Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (7)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Cadre, you would have been proud of me. There I was this morning at the crack of 10:30 shaving for my 2:30 appointment to get glamour shots of my colon’s inner workings (how’s that for a sentence!?). Really great shave today. I don’t know why I took time to carefully shave today- most in the room weren’t looking at my face. At least I looked good for the anesthetist, an imposing giant of a man with a shaved head. Then I returned home with every little thing inside and out being just fine.
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (8)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Noontime shave today, prepping for the final day of the draft. Pleased with my team’s choices so far. Hmm, they just chose an OT, which is good - we need depth there. Have a great day, Cadre!
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (10)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
I actually shaved last night to be ready for a morning appointment and workout. Pulm Rehab is much like its cousin cardiac rehab: treadmills, light hand weights, and that hand-pedal thing. Each time I go there they have me do more. I pay $15 each time for this twice-a-week pleasure for a couple of months. So I’ve done cardiac, am doing pulm, I wonder if they have a mental health rehab…? For a friend, you understand.
Have a great day, Cadre!
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (11)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Early morning (9:30ish) shave because I felt like it. No appointments today, so I’ve been doing stuff close to home. Watched the Celtics advance in the NBA (yeah!), and caught some good hockey last night. I always root for Canadian teams to advance in the playoffs because I believe it’s good for the sport. Montreal and Edmonton don’t need any more Cups, and Toronto is overdue. I guess Ottawa is overdue as well. I remember both Calgary and Winnipeg winning, so they can wait till the Pens win a couple more .
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (12)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Happy Saturday, everybody. Typically nifty keen shave with this setup. I think I’m about halfway through the Arko stick, but can’t really recall how big it was to begin with. Stanley Cup hockey tonight with a game 7, Toronto v. Boston. I love game 7s, so much drama and intensity. Go Toronto!
Cadre, today I did something I am loath to do. Yes, yes, I shaved early enough this morning to be on time for my 7:30am ophthalmologist appointment. Kind of weird to shave at that hour, but I wasn’t rushed. I scheduled this appointment some months ago. Some three weeks or so ago I added a rehab appointment on top of that at another institution. Fortunately, I was able to make it in time to warm up, hop on the treadmill, and the other machines. My feet’s is tired.
Similar to Monday, minus the 7:30am appointment. That said, my feets is tired again.
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (14*)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
*Monday’s shave wasn’t documented.
Happy Wednesday, Cadre. It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, hope it’s the same in yours. Shaved before my 10am appointment, making it twice this week that I’ve shaved at such a ridiculous hour.
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (15)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Happy Friday, Cadre! Back to normal with a late morning shave, thank goodness. Life is settling back to routine after our adventures these past 10 days. Our refrigerator conked out on us, a replacement arrived, but was improperly installed so it leaked. We chased the leak and fixed it ourselves so we cancelled the repair people Home Depot was sending out today. And to think we paid good money for the privilege of dealing with unskilled delivery/installation folks.
Have a terrific start to your weekend!
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (2)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Happy Thursday, Cadre. Nice early summer day here, with blue/cloudy skies, light winds, temperature currently 69F/21C, going up to 77F/25C later. No more appointments this week, so that makes me happy. Have a great day, everybody!
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