Hello TSC family! I'm alive and through the other side of things. I'll try to do a recap of everything including the shaving.
Today's Shave: Shave #151 Surgery Day!
Razor: Parker Variant - Graphite handle / Chinese knock-off of Feather Kamisori Style (Top Lip Only)
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Brush: Eric's Lignum Vitae Hand Turned Brush Handle, 22 mm Boss Knot
Soap: Mystic Water Lavender Lime
Bowl: Red Salsa Bowl (plastic)
Pre Shave: Wash with soap in the shower . Rub raw soap on face from the puck.
Total Razor on Face Time: 7 minutes
Post Shave: Cold water rinse, Witch Hazel (Walmart Brand) face only, Cold rinse. No mammoth painting!
So surgery day I got up at 4:45 just so I could shave. I didn't shave Sunday so I was hoping for a fabulous shave. Well, nerves didn't give me the steadiest hand so I opted for an in and out shave. A straight shot down the fairway, grab my par and walk into surgery without any cuts that might just draw in an infection. I did a 3 pass shave with very minimal clean-up and walked away with a BBS- in all areas. I also was on a time crunch.
I got to the hospital 10 minutes early with kids in tow and man did things flow from there. I thought I'd be in a hurry up and wait scenario, but not so and things moved steadily to the holding pen before the ER. That's when I saw the nurse enter in with these clippers that stared at my mammoth hairy leg and started to cry. The nurse shaved my whole stinking leg! Those clippers could hardly handle it, but there it was.........hairless rat leg staring back at me. My surgeon came in and said he was on fire and had already done 4 replacements and was all warmed up for me so off I went. They wheeled me into the OR and I saw a long metal table lined up with all the medieval tools they were going to use on me and there was my hip at the end of it all. They said I'd not remember any of that but I do remember them putting in the spinal epidural and then positioning me on the table rolled me over on my side and the the anesthesiologist said he was going to start the drip. You know what I said......my last words....."Operation Eagle Feather" and the dude said "What?" and I was out. I spent about 3 hours in recovery before being wheeled to my room. Man was I hungry. I went into surgery at 9:04 am, done by 9:25 am and into recovery at 10:14 am.
The PT guy showed up in the afternoon and got me out of bed for a walk. He said I crushed it with an A+, then I almost fainted. BP was 84 over 40 something so they got me back in bed and increased the IV drip to get some fluids in me. I can pretty much fight off fainting really well so I know when the beginning stages are happening and how to prevent a full blackout from happening. They surmise that I may have lost more blood during the surgery than they thought. That was the first little blip and then I got a neighbor in my room who was hard of hearing so every time the nurse came in the room during the night he would turn on all the lights and yell everything to this guy so sleep was pretty sparse. Day 2 they asked me if I wanted to go home so I said yes of course. I had to tackle a set of 4 stairs and get into and out of a car mock-up. I rose to the the challenge so the PT guy cleared me. The Oxy pain meds were really kicking my butt so they put me on another lesser pain med. Well that stopped working on the pain which wasn't a good thing because they switched me back to the Oxy but it wasn't yet taking affect for the ride home. Every bump and turn found me just tough-guying it out. By the time I got home I'd had my limit of pain. I've never passed out from pain and have a high pain tolerance, but by the time I got in the house and sat down I was darn near close to passing out from pain. Once the Oxy finally kicked in I got better. PT showed up at home the next day and worked me hard. I'm doing better....slowly, but I'm still getting shakes twice a day that are like shivering violently which isn't fun because I absolutely hate being that cold without a dang good reason. I'm told it's the residual effects of loss of blood / or possibly the anesthesia. I get up and walk with my walker every couple of hours and felt good enough to stand and shave this morning.
Today's Shave: Shave #152
Razor: Parker Variant - Graphite handle / Chinese knock-off of Feather Kamisori Style (Top Lip Only)
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Brush: Eric's Lignum Vitae Hand Turned Brush Handle, 22 mm Boss Knot
Soap: WSP Black Vanille
Bowl: Red Salsa Bowl (plastic)
Pre Shave: Wash with soap in the shower . Rub raw soap on face from the puck.
Total Razor on Face Time: 7 minutes
Post Shave: Cold water rinse, Witch Hazel (Walmart Brand) face only, Cold rinse. No mammoth painting!
What a nice feeling to shave again. It really helped lift my spirits given that the Oxy cobs you up pretty extensively (nuf said on that). I only had energy for a quick 2 pass shave and got a DFS for sure. Man I felt human again. When I resolved the other issue there caused by the Oxy I felt like a new man. I'm in lots of pain, but to me it's manageable and I've backed off the Oxy taking half the dose and am able to wait 6 hours instead of 4 for each dosage. Lots of other pills to take, but brothers I'm alive and well.