Saturday was a 1 pass shave day. I had a lot to get done including giving myself a good hair cut to last long enough for me to recover from my surgery enough to stand and want to cut it. I was able to get a CCS with just one pass and looked presentable but I was not smooth.
Sunday was time for a proper 3 pass shave.
Today's Shave: Shave #145
Razor: Parker Variant - Graphite handle / Chinese knock-off of Feather Kamisori Style (Top Lip Only)
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Brush: Eric's Lignum Vitae Hand Turned Brush Handle, 22 mm Boss Knot
Soap: WSP Black Vanille
Bowl: Red Salsa Bowl (plastic)
Pre Shave: Wash with soap in the shower . Rub raw soap on face from the puck.
Total Razor on Face Time: 9 minutes
Post Shave: Cold water rinse, Witch Hazel (Walmart Brand) face only, Cold rinse. WSP Black Vanille AS Balm to the face only. Mammoth Painting.
It really felt great to shave this morning after having some growth due to the 1 pass shave on Saturday. A great lather was worked up and I continue my 3.5 razor setting for all 3 passes. Beautiful shave and got BBS with little effort and some clean-up. The cold water shaving is definitely here to stay. KY Dave suggested it early on in my journey and I've had great success with it ever since. I've tried it with warm and hot water but it just doesn't seem to get me as close nor feel as good in the post shave. Now it just seems normal to shave with cold water and I can't imagine everything being warm or hot in the shaving department.
On the personal side........check out my pictures above this of my finished swage block stand. The vision I had in my head for the look of it exactly matches the results you see. That rarely happens when you make things, or at least for me. I usually come close, but I was going for the look of something you might see in a living history museum. Though my star topped screws give away that this thing isn't old, I don't care, it still has the look I wanted.
Tomorrow will mean there's only 7 days until my surgery. I'm quite ready for another adventure. I likely won't be posting anything for a few days after my surgery, but will try to let everyone know I'm still alive and mammoth painting.