If you want to join, just pick a blade and add your name and blade (be specific) to the list!
If you want to add your starting razor to the list go ahead (you're not required to stick with it.)
1. Spider – Feather Yellow - Feather AS-D2 Razor (will use for duration)
2. uacowboy - Feather Pro(AC) in Occam Razor(will use for the duration)
3. dkeester - Treet Classic - Merkur 34c (will swap razors)
4. BarberDave Feather Black, Feather ASD2 (will use for duration)
5. woodpusher - Sensor cart
(last used razor in Jul.2017)
6. OpusX - Gillette Nacet, Timeless Bronze SB
7. Somnos - Schick Proline (AC), Colonial General SS (will use for duration)
8. SteveChuckFrank - Wilkinson Sword, RR GC .84(will rotate razors)
9. FightingIllini22 - Personna Lab Blue, Schick Krona (will *probably* rotate razors)
10. Mtpedals - Wizamet, RR SS Lupo (will rotate razors)
11.Majorrich - Wizamet, Gillette Super-Adjustable Short-handle (for the duration)
12. Soap Thing - Feather ProSuper - Above The Tie Windsor SE1
13. Fenster - Wizamet, RazoRock SS Lupo 72 (may rotate Razors?)