Be careful Gents we have a bingo wizard who cant let go, and is spreading rumors of bingo in another Thread @Scuttlesoap 

I can’t find L07816842A on my card
In earth years?2 x the minimum legal drinking age
I have looked at all your post since Monday when this started and I have only found what I stated plus one more I discovered .. So I think I have found 4 or 5 calls total now but still NOT a Single hit..... Like I said earlier.. Oh well......Come on guys! No weird codes, no Rick Roll links, no magi…. Oh I did do that.
Thanks I found that one but of course its NOT on my card either.....I think I got a card That's Broken and that will skip all my numbers...I did need help with one call on Day 1, I overlooked it because I lost it in a sea of words (hint)...... but other than that, these calls have all been straight forward.
Befour you hurt yourself, take a deep breath.