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Corona Virus

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This is for the benefit of all those who claim that only people with pre-existing conditions or old people are impacted by covid-19. I was just reading that Nick Cordero, 41 years old, contracted covid-19 two months ago. He's been on a ventilator, went into a coma, had his lungs "scraped" and had a leg amputated, all due to covid-19. Prior to contracting the virus he was healthy. I have no idea who this guy is other than reading the article about an otherwise healthy individual almost dying because of it. I've now heard of at least 1,000 people who were young and healthy who have died. Add to that many more who did not die but suffered major complications and permanent damage to organs that they now have to live with and it makes all the talk about how it only effects the old and sick that much more ridiculous and callous. I just don't get how some people are so unwilling to recognize what this virus is all about and the cost in the form of human life and human suffering it has brought on is. I'm not talking about economic suffering. That isn't true suffering. Money is not the be all end all to everything. Health and life is. Value it. If you can't value it, then I have some choice words for those people. Sorry, but with each passing day I become more and more angry over how this whole thing has been handled and continues to be handled.
Did you guys "open up"? Or is there some other reason to account for the up tick? Looking at Jaro1069 graphs it seems it's spiking there as well. It just seems to me that although everyone seems to be at odds over things, I would say that is not entirely correct. In other words, I don't think anyone would disagree that we need to be able to have a vibrant economy with which to maintain our high standards of living. But it seems that is where th agreement seems to end. I contend that there is deep disagreement as to how to go about reving that economic engine while still maintaining people's safety. Why does it seem to me that those who are most aggressively insisting that the economy be "re-opened" are the same people who refuse to wear masks. I don't believe there is any dispute among healthcare professionals that wearing a mask is essential to helping to protect both the person wearing the mask as well as those around them. And just how much of a hardship is it wear a freaking mask? Especially if wearing a mask allows you and your fellow citizens to "re-open" your economy. Yet, it seems the statistics may be bearing out the fears of those who support wearing masks. And as the number of cases increase and the number of hospitalizations increase and the number of deaths increase, it is almost a certainty that will lead to shutting down the economy again. So it seems, refusing to wear a mask runs counter to the goal of seeing an open economy. So, why refuse to wear a mask? It just doesn't make sense.

It's really unfortunate what is happening in our state. Our state is on average the youngest in the union so our death is very low. As we know that most that die are older. The average age of our deaths is 74. But we do have some outliers of young dying as well. And we have at least 2 children under the age of 10 in the hospital according to our data. But my opinion as to what caused the up tick. Remember in the beginning I was actually applauding my state government on how they did things.

Our governor when this started instituted a color system.

Red means ONLY essential businesses, restaurants closed. Basically we are on lock down. We stayed in this zone for about 7 weeks
Orange means moderate risk, you can socialize in groups of ten. Masks encouraged. Restaurants can do curbside pick up etc We stayed here for two weeks
Yellow means low risk you can socialize in groups of 50. Sports are allowed to resume, baseball has been being played here. Dine in services are okay. Masks and social distancing encouraged. We are currently yellow
Green New normal. Which I despise the term new normal! New normal in my opinion can NOT be masks all the time and social distancing all the time. Our goal should be to get back to normal which in my opinion can not happen until we have an effective vaccine OR a proven treatment plan. Which we currently have neither.

Anyways to now answer the question. We entered Yellow WAY too quickly and literally a week before memorial day! In my opinion by what I have been witnessing is that a majority of people took that to mean wahoo we can go out! Less than 50% wear masks, LARGE social gatherings are happening EVERYWHERE! And now our governor wants to move to SOFT Green whatever that is! When we begun spiking. Hospitals are at 60% capactiy in ICU currently. The only thing that currently gives me solace is that currently for every 1 person infected in Utah they only infect on average 1.1. So our ration is 1:1.1 which is good comparatively. You can view all of our state data here Case Counts | coronavirus and in all honesty we are doing better than most.
It's really unfortunate what is happening in our state. Our state is on average the youngest in the union so our death is very low. As we know that most that die are older. The average age of our deaths is 74. But we do have some outliers of young dying as well. And we have at least 2 children under the age of 10 in the hospital according to our data. But my opinion as to what caused the up tick. Remember in the beginning I was actually applauding my state government on how they did things.

Our governor when this started instituted a color system.

Red means ONLY essential businesses, restaurants closed. Basically we are on lock down. We stayed in this zone for about 7 weeks
Orange means moderate risk, you can socialize in groups of ten. Masks encouraged. Restaurants can do curbside pick up etc We stayed here for two weeks
Yellow means low risk you can socialize in groups of 50. Sports are allowed to resume, baseball has been being played here. Dine in services are okay. Masks and social distancing encouraged. We are currently yellow
Green New normal. Which I despise the term new normal! New normal in my opinion can NOT be masks all the time and social distancing all the time. Our goal should be to get back to normal which in my opinion can not happen until we have an effective vaccine OR a proven treatment plan. Which we currently have neither.

Anyways to now answer the question. We entered Yellow WAY too quickly and literally a week before memorial day! In my opinion by what I have been witnessing is that a majority of people took that to mean wahoo we can go out! Less than 50% wear masks, LARGE social gatherings are happening EVERYWHERE! And now our governor wants to move to SOFT Green whatever that is! When we begun spiking. Hospitals are at 60% capactiy in ICU currently. The only thing that currently gives me solace is that currently for every 1 person infected in Utah they only infect on average 1.1. So our ration is 1:1.1 which is good comparatively. You can view all of our state data here Case Counts | coronavirus and in all honesty we are doing better than most.

I hear you Chad. The general public has shown a real lack of ability to think for themselves. Relaxing restrictions doesn't mean that we can go all "wahoo" as you say. Yet that is what is happening in many places around the country. I've learned over my 57 years on the planet not to trust anyone. I don't trust anyone, especially the government, who like it or not, has an agenda. And that agenda is to please as many people as possible while trying to maintain some modicum of protection for the people. The problem with that is pleasing as many people as possible, even with the attempt at protection, is not necessarily what is best for those people. I realize that there are things in life that require balance. Having operated in the real estate industry for 35 years we are used to negotiating deals where both parties end up walking away a little bit unhappy. Those are the best deals because no one feels taken advantage of and no one hit a home run. It's just a good deal for both parties. And I recognize that people want to apply a similar approach to this situation. But this is people's health we are talking about. It's all fine and well to open things up and attempt to go ahead with life as usual until someone in your family that you care about gets sick or god forbid dies. When it hits close to home like that, it's interesting to see how people's perspectives change. But until then, everything being imposed is more of a hardship than is justified. And as someone properly said before, that's selfish. It's interesting how we look to the past about prior pandemics where lots of people died, but no one looks to see what kind of economic toll those pandemics had on the economy at the time. But I guarantee you if we did look at that, the economic toll was astronomical. But it was necessary to save lives. Now is no different. There is a steep economic toll that we have to endure, like it or not, in order for people to be properly safeguarded. I guess what I'm saying is that balance is less important when life is at stake. And people need to realize that just because the government says you can do something, doesn't mean that you should go ahead and do that. The government is taking a calculated risk. Should an individual take the same calculated risk? Obviously it's different for everyone. However, given that each person's actions can significantly impact another person without knowing, by virtue of the reality that you can have the virus, but be asymptomatic, and infect another person. EASILY. That's why I say all bets are off when it comes to following the loosened restrictions allowed by government. As you said Chad, I'm also going to wear a mask when in places where I cannot social distance and will not venture out more than necessary until there is a treatment plan or a vaccine.
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It's really unfortunate what is happening in our state. Our state is on average the youngest in the union so our death is very low. As we know that most that die are older. The average age of our deaths is 74. But we do have some outliers of young dying as well. And we have at least 2 children under the age of 10 in the hospital according to our data. But my opinion as to what caused the up tick. Remember in the beginning I was actually applauding my state government on how they did things.

Our governor when this started instituted a color system.

Red means ONLY essential businesses, restaurants closed. Basically we are on lock down. We stayed in this zone for about 7 weeks
Orange means moderate risk, you can socialize in groups of ten. Masks encouraged. Restaurants can do curbside pick up etc We stayed here for two weeks
Yellow means low risk you can socialize in groups of 50. Sports are allowed to resume, baseball has been being played here. Dine in services are okay. Masks and social distancing encouraged. We are currently yellow
Green New normal. Which I despise the term new normal! New normal in my opinion can NOT be masks all the time and social distancing all the time. Our goal should be to get back to normal which in my opinion can not happen until we have an effective vaccine OR a proven treatment plan. Which we currently have neither.

Anyways to now answer the question. We entered Yellow WAY too quickly and literally a week before memorial day! In my opinion by what I have been witnessing is that a majority of people took that to mean wahoo we can go out! Less than 50% wear masks, LARGE social gatherings are happening EVERYWHERE! And now our governor wants to move to SOFT Green whatever that is! When we begun spiking. Hospitals are at 60% capactiy in ICU currently. The only thing that currently gives me solace is that currently for every 1 person infected in Utah they only infect on average 1.1. So our ration is 1:1.1 which is good comparatively. You can view all of our state data here Case Counts | coronavirus and in all honesty we are doing better than most.
Our states average age for the virus is 48.7
I'm glad your only 1.1.1 but remember 1 person infecting 1 person infecting 1 person now means that the 1st one has now became 3 so if you only have 1000 to start with you could potentially now go to 3000.. I personally think stuff is trying to get back to old normal to quickly before ( I know you don't like this word ) new normal has had a chance to work first..And some are saying we may never get back to old normal and society will have to discover a new way forward.
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Yep, @Cvargo, I agree we went to yellow way too soon.

I always forget you are in Utah as well, yes it is really sad honestly how quickly we jumped from orange to yellow. I remember saying to my wife, "We didn't even give orange enough time to see how it would impact the #s"

Couple going to yellow and everyone treating Memorial day like we are back to normal our #s are going to get worse before they get better. But I fear that if the Gov tries to go back to orange or even red people will flat out refuse to follow the guidelines.
So my oldest is a high school senior this year, and like everyone else, she’s lost the spring of her senior year. She graduates on Friday with a car procession through campus followed by a drive in style commencement. It ain’t what we wanted, but we are happy she gets to move forward, with hopes that sometime this summer, the class and families can get together when Covid allows.

Anytime your kid has a major life event, you look back and I just admire who she’s become. What a smart, beautiful, strong person. I look back at her and her friends and realize that they were born in the wake of 9/11 and graduate in this disaster. How fair is that?

I look forward recognizing that they are strong and will overcome. My kid’s class is recognized by all at her school to be truly special, and I hear the same when talking to parents of seniors at other schools too. The class of 2020 really is a special group. When we are dottering in our old age and this group steps up to fulfill their promise, I am confident we will be in good hands.
So my oldest is a high school senior this year, and like everyone else, she’s lost the spring of her senior year. She graduates on Friday with a car procession through campus followed by a drive in style commencement. It ain’t what we wanted, but we are happy she gets to move forward, with hopes that sometime this summer, the class and families can get together when Covid allows.

Anytime your kid has a major life event, you look back and I just admire who she’s become. What a smart, beautiful, strong person. I look back at her and her friends and realize that they were born in the wake of 9/11 and graduate in this disaster. How fair is that?

I look forward recognizing that they are strong and will overcome. My kid’s class is recognized by all at her school to be truly special, and I hear the same when talking to parents of seniors at other schools too. The class of 2020 really is a special group. When we are dottering in our old age and this group steps up to fulfill their promise, I am confident we will be in good hands.

Very well said. Seeing the seniors this year and the way a majority of them have adapted. It truly gives me hope!
My daughter’s graduation on Friday was not what we wanted, but they did a great job. Lots of talk about the insanity of giving speeches to cars in a parking lot, but it was inspiring. The kids did great, each getting their walk across the stage to get a diploma. Each was handed to them by the head of school, who hand sanitized between graduates and then wiped down every single diploma. It was the 175th Commencement and they talked up the fact that no other graduating class had done anything like this before. When you think about it that way......
I always forget you are in Utah as well, yes it is really sad honestly how quickly we jumped from orange to yellow. I remember saying to my wife, "We didn't even give orange enough time to see how it would impact the #s"

Couple going to yellow and everyone treating Memorial day like we are back to normal our #s are going to get worse before they get better. But I fear that if the Gov tries to go back to orange or even red people will flat out refuse to follow the guidelines.
Bad News : Utah looks like it's slowly heading in the wrong direction.

Good news: You're not in Arizona :eek:

That number is due in primary to a blitz of testing and nursing home info release and testing. Yes they are new reported cases, but many are already recovered. Plus we fell so behind on testing kits this was expected
Missouri went from Phase 1 on Monday, to UNRESTRICTED on Tuesday. And we showed a 6.5% increase over the past 7 days. Yay us! SMH 🤦‍♂️

So my oldest is a high school senior this year, and like everyone else, she’s lost the spring of her senior year.
My oldest as well. She, hopefully, gets her graduation next month.
I don’t think I can adequately express how disenchanted I have become with the many ways our collective handling of this shared public health event has gone. Sure, there have been some good people who have done good things and some have demonstrated common sense and wisdom when all else failed. ... but on the whole, the people who have been left in charge have been selfish, self-centered, power-hungry and amazingly wrong (Even after being presented with fresh/new information). I’m not talking politics (although the same can pretty much be said about everything/everyone political too), I’m talking about the people I have been forced to interact with these past months, those who work in or run businesses who are or employ frontline workers AND hospital/medical. The people who have decided what is and is not important, you now...the people who have somehow gone MadMax, deciding what rules, norms and standards are disposable in the name of "COVID19". Now that we are further down the path it is easier to see some of the things we HAD wrong (by accident because we misunderstood or didn't know), DID wrong (by choice or lazyness) and accepted as necessary because we were told it was for the greater good when it served no purpose at all. I know this sounds extremely sour and like you've wondered onto this old guys lawn but i assure you it is more than a reaction to being locked in the basement for months and having flashbacks because I am seeing spikes in numbers of infections. I actually expected and accepted the idea that infection rates would continue to climb/change. My concern and rage is a reaction to our collective willingness to instantly give up 200+ years of American history (blood, sweat, tears, trial & error, evolution and culture), not for the collective good...but for our OWN good. **I want to be clear here, I am still ONLY talking about things relating to COVID shutdowns and restrictions**

Why am I bothered so much? Because i feel many of the changes and restrictions we faced then and now were made by people (or politicians) who had no business, background or basis to be making those changes. In some cases the evidence was clear early on but ego kept them from backtracking, in other cases there just isn't anyone to challenge the change or restriction so it stands. Having gone through the great "Y2 K" scare and all the the preparations (and expense) that was involved in THAT non-event, I can say what I am seeing feels a lot like that. I expect several readers are now calling ME names and feverishly scrawling out death threats to send to me right now because i have just offended them...but give me enough time and I will either be RIGHT ...or a victim of the apocalypse, either way I win.

Here are few examples of what has crawled under my skin:

Like many of you, my daughter ‘graduated’ high school in May. She was fortunate enough to have already been enrolled in an online school so the shutdown did nothing to alter her schedule. Technically her graduation was to occur TODAY but, she completed all of her coursework a month ago and was able to enroll in community college summer school that started 2 weeks ago. Now, instead of a formal ceremony held at a large out door venue she/we will attend a Zoom graduation this evening, 2 weeks after she began online college courses...having missed grad-night, prom and several other senior events that should have been the highlight of her senior year and an important part of establishing interpersonal relationships with her peers. ALAS, she will forever be a lone wolf relegated to individual work, someone who interacts with others via computer screen rather than over a cup of coffee. Such is the new graduating senior class.

Like some of you, my family lives with cancer sharing a room in our home. This means I/we have had the pleasure of witnessing first hand how our hospitals and medical practitioners chose to abandon their patients in the name of “protection and prevention”. I/we got to watch as the patient with the body needing treatment was unnecessarily isolated from the symbiotic patient simultaneously suffered with the same disease AND provided support and comfort when none could be found anywhere else. For the first time EVER, i/we saw once caring medical practitioners CHOOSE to leave their helpless, scared and frail patient alone and afraid. Those once heralded laws that required medical facilities to provide or allow patient advocates evaporated in an instant. ...a trip to the emergency room was like a scene from an alien autopsy movie, the diseased are allowed in to infect your loved one ..but YOU aren’t allowed to be by their side. (for DAYS). I absolutely understand there needed to be measures taken to ensure the health care environment was rendered as safe as possible for the the health care workers (if the Dr were to get sick it wouldn't do us much good would it?) but to fail to recognize that a patient is more than the individual body is an absolute failure. I've mentioned before that the long term pausing of or slowing of out patient procedures like colonoscopies and scans that are commonly used in monitoring or prevention is/was a recipe for disaster...and I still think that it is/was. Locally, they have resumed those procedures but are still doing them at a lower volume than before. There have been many, many changes to how things are done in and around the hospitals and doctors offices, All in the name of COVID19. From what I can see, it appears there has been a good amount of thought put into some of it but I have seen some pretty big failures too. I consider the separation of patients from significant others (mothers/fathers, spouses etc.) for the duration of visit or procedure an epic failure.

County Testing center. My son and I both got tested for current infection and IgG/IgM antibodies about 3 weeks ago. The results are reported to take "approximately 7 days", and they say they will call only if you have positive results. You are advised to call after 7 days to confirm your results are negative. They don't make it very clear but since the tests are run through an actual lab you can actually create or sign in to your account with that lab and get your results once they are completed because they DO load the results into your official records. Within 4 days I was notified my nasal swab results were negative but as of today I still do not have results for the IgG/IgM test and several calls to the phone # have gone unreturned. My son (who had a reason to get his test done and required the results to be returned within 14 days) still has no results and has called several times, each time he has actually spoken to someone who has told him they are unable to locate his name on the list or his test...but not to worry, they are probably just behind in entering the data. we are at day 21+ now and he is clearly not positive but the county has no record of his ever showing up for a test or results AND they aren't concerned despite his statement that he was sent to get tested as a result of exposure. This collection center appeared very well run to me but was clearly staffed with some newer workers. Still, if people are told to expect a call only if positive and they loose a couple positive tests here and there...

I could go on and on but it would sound like I am a sour puss.
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