The Shaving Cadre

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Most regretted blind buy?

The most disappointing one I bought is probably Noble Otter Plunder, but that was just a sample so it doesn't count. I could smell nothing but smoke in that scent.
Of the full pucks I've bought, it had to be either MWF (great soap, sickeningly cloying scent) or Catie's Bubbles Pine Barrens (scent sounded great but was nothing like what I expected).
Regret is way too strong a term, since the solution was just trading them off for things I do like, but Novel Otter and Wholly Kaw just didn't do it for me. Not dissing the brands, they are good, just didn't agree with me.
I really wouldn't worry about it. I never made the connection with you. Just own the name (it is a cool name).
I agree with @The Monkey . I never even heard of that soap until you brought it up. I then remembered the conversation enough to joke about it here. Viola! Everyone knows it's not you. (Trust me, if I remember your conversation, with my crappy memory, everyone will)

Just like @The Monkey said, it is a cool name. Own it, save it, enjoy it.
My worst blind buy was LASS MYRKVIOR. I love weird stuff and thought it would be fun. Whew!!!!! That stuff smelled like the basement of a fraternity house after a keg party. I love the performance of LASS. I’m sure some people like MYRKVIOR, but it gave me bad memories of waking up in strange places.
Is the company even still around?
Most current post on their facebook was 2018 about some new aftershave. first comment from someone was "What about my soap I ordered 3 years ago and never got?" 😂 😂 😂 Company was a joke when I tried getting something for my brother. Bad experience. I doubt they are still functioning as a business........
There’s been a few soaps that I haven’t like through the years, but most were bought on a whim anyway. But one that is been wanting to try for a very long time based on some good recommendations was Soapy Science Doc’s Special Blend. The scent just wasn’t what I was expecting, and I did not like it.

Performance wise, two soaps I hated were MWF and Tabac. (And I love the scent of Tabac, just underwhelming performance).
There’s been a few soaps that I haven’t like through the years, but most were bought on a whim anyway. But one that is been wanting to try for a very long time based on some good recommendations was Soapy Science Doc’s Special Blend. The scent just wasn’t what I was expecting, and I did not like it.

Performance wise, two soaps I hated were MWF and Tabac. (And I love the scent of Tabac, just underwhelming performance).
I agree. I know both MWF and Tabac developed a cult following years ago. But with today’s improvements to artisan soaps, I find them both below average.
Nope. It's sitting under my sink. Maybe my nose will start loving it, or so I keep telling myself.
Nope you won’t. Just open the tub and wait a second...the morning “dew” disappears quickly it at least it’s muted. I like it but it does initially smell like donkey ass! It was their Valentine’s Day scent for last year...many a dude got his “ass” handed to him for sporting that one to dinner...Mrs. S was like “Valentine’s Day.”...he divorced?...:p:cry:
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