The Shaving Cadre

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You know you’re getting old when...

As you might know, I went back to school in my 50's, graduating last year. While there, one of the young ladies who was going for the Seattle Grunge look, asked me "So, you lived in the '90s, right? Is this what you dressed like back then?"

"You lived in the '90s, right?"..... ugh, talk about me quickly becoming aware of the generational divide.
To respond to the OP: if you're truly old, you don't iron any more. Not because you can't, but rather because you don't need to as you don't care anymore. In my case.
This is how I feel. I bought an iron that operates like a clamshell, perfect for squeezing and ironing a shirt collar. As long as my collar is crisp, I'm good to go. Ironing pants? Nope. My 27 y.o. son wields a mean iron and always looks sharp.

You know you're getting old when... you listen to talk radio.
Ironing pants? Nope.

I hang my pants upside down by the cuffs so the weight of the waist "irons" them while they wait for you to wear them days later. I forged a special steel hook to hold them all and got the store pants hangers with the clampy things years ago when I could get them for free from a source. Problem solved! Works great on all kinds of pants.
I hang my pants upside down by the cuffs so the weight of the waist "irons" them while they wait for you to wear them days later.
I have pants hanging that way now, but I rarely go to them, using instead the same 4-5 pairs I keep folded in a drawer. Good enough, because I generally do not care day to day. If I had a job interview, I'd show up looking crisply ironed of course.
I have pants hanging that way now, but I rarely go to them, using instead the same 4-5 pairs I keep folded in a drawer. Good enough, because I generally do not care day to day. If I had a job interview, I'd show up looking crisply ironed of course.

I wear 5.11 cargo pants and it's a perfect system to keep them from looking like they sat in a basket all night. I'm with you, if I had an interview or had to go to court I'd crisp-up. I've come a long way from my starch/crisp lines days so I'm a recovering iron freak :LOL:
As you might know, I went back to school in my 50's, graduating last year. While there, one of the young ladies who was going for the Seattle Grunge look, asked me "So, you lived in the '90s, right? Is this what you dressed like back then?"

"You lived in the '90s, right?"..... ugh, talk about me quickly becoming aware of the generational divide.

Well did you?
I first started to see the body push back when I hit 45. It started with little aches here and there. I also happened to take a new job at 45 that lasted the next 10 years. It was a great decade for me professionally but it was also all consuming. As a result the exercise regimen went out the window and I put on a fair amount of weight. Now I'm 57, on blood pressure and cholesterol meds and fighting to get back into some sort of regular exercise regimen. I also need to drop about 50 lbs. I talk about all the things I'm going to do to drop the weight but then when it comes to following through, nada. I did take advantage of some warm weather yesterday and today around 60 and went for a bike ride both days. And last weekend I started the 8/16 intermittent fasting diet. I will wait to see if I can make it work before I start checking my weight. But if I can stick with it, then I'll get serious about tracking my weight. Let's see if I can get on elliptical when it gets cold again starting tomorrow. So far I have not made that happen. Gotta do it. I'm getting tired of going to doctors all the time.
I tried to convince my MD that I had a problem with inflammation around my mid body. Without blinking she said, “you aren’t swollen, you are fat. It is Visceral fat and I’ve been keto in. Down 20. But plateaued due to being unable to do aerobic exercise. I started 16/8 fasting along with keto and vitamins. Lost the little last bit of jiggly subcutaneous fat.
Still, it seems everything I eat gives me gas. But mine don’t smell, so I got that going for me.
... Still, it seems everything I eat gives me gas. But mine don’t smell....