The Shaving Cadre

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You know you’re getting old when...

Other than the outhouse and well water thing there hasn’t been a thing posted I haven’t fully felt...WHY?
I remember when the eyebrow shave thing happened, that was probably the first sign.

Visiting antique stores and finding half the crap you have stashed in your closet for sale is another one. Or worse, stuff you remember buying from the Sears or JC Penny catalogs and going to pick up weeks later from the catalog pick up counter. ...and they are selling it for more than you paid for it.

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The incessant need to catch the weather and/or the news.

A hip replacement!!!!!

On the non-funny side, I read maybe 7 or 8 whole books between 10 & my mid twenties. Now I read 20 or 30 books a year. Must be getting old.
When watching the Grammies you explain to your kids that you don’t want to hear about how “all time great” the current artists are until you see them performing the same songs 30 years later.
When all of the vehicles you have ever owned are eligible for "Historic" tags.

When the BDU's you were issued in the Army are three versions ago. Your rank isn't sewn It's velcro'd And you don't shine your boots. Blasphemy!

When all your favorite movies from when you were a kid are being recycled. John Wayne cannot be replaced !

Rant over.
When watching the Grammies you explain to your kids that you don’t want to hear about how “all time great” the current artists are until you see them performing the same songs 30 years later.

I saw Aerosmith, and hope your kids saw it too.

I work at a non-profit, public radio music station. We play most everything except classical (and classic rock, like Aerosmith). I'm enjoying the Grammys, as I do every year, as most of the music I've never heard before. It's how I can spend a couple of hours understanding America's music culture, without having to spend undue time and energy on the topic. We believe all good music deserves to be heard, however, even if we don't play it. I believe every song I've heard in the Grammys tonight falls into this category (although a lot of it seems to be vocal-oriented, rather than musician-oriented, which to my ear gets a little tedious).

To respond to the OP: if you're truly old, you don't iron any more. Not because you can't, but rather because you don't need to as you don't care anymore. In my case.
When all of the vehicles you have ever owned are eligible for "Historic" tags.

When the BDU's you were issued in the Army are three versions ago. Your rank isn't sewn It's velcro'd And you don't shine your boots. Blasphemy!

When all your favorite movies from when you were a kid are being recycled. John Wayne cannot be replaced !

Rant over.
Velcro friggen pockets!
Sorry to intrude. This artist on the Grammys, Rosalea (sp?), is awesome. I may be old, but I love finding new music that stretches my boundaries. New wave flamenco!
Sorry to intrude again. Bonnie Raitt (whom most of us old fogies remember) just paid tribute to John Prine (another we'll remember) with a beautiful rendition of "Angel from Montgomery" on the Grammy show.

In 1975, I met Bonnie Raitt when she performed at my small college in Minnesota (Carleton). I was the treasurer of the student association, so I had the privilege of handing her the check for her performance.

That musical moment was outmatched only by handing a check to Doc Watson, several months later in the dead of winter, when he thanked me and asked if I would escort him outside to enjoy the freezing weather and snow. (He was blind.) I'll never forget the joy I felt watching a blind genius from the deep south enjoy the Minnesota winter. His smile was huge, though we both were shaking from the cold.

Okay, I'm done.
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@pbrmhl that performance of Body Electric. Emotional.

Agreed, Dave. I enjoyed tonight's Grammys overall more than I have in years. Without getting political, I was ecstatic about the aura of inclusion. Of all of us.

Lots of credit to the producers, and to Alicia Keyes. Very well done, even though I didn't have much interest in much of the music. It's more about the cultural education, in my book.
Agreed, Dave. I enjoyed tonight's Grammys overall more than I have in years. Without getting political, I was ecstatic about the aura of inclusion. Of all of us.

Lots of credit to the producers, and to Alicia Keyes. Very well done, even though I didn't have much interest in much of the music. It's more about the cultural education, in my book.
Totally agree. Was telling my wife the same thing. This year’s didn’t suck.
PSA: This thread will close at 3PM to allow all members enough time to get to local buffet so they can use the early bird and senior discount at the same time. We would open it back up at 6PM but we all know they will be playing cribbage.
Cribbage.... Bring out the shuffle board !!!!!!
Things to remember as told by a friend of mine.... Don't ever trust a fart , never pass up a bathroom and never waste an erection........words to live by for the old farts......
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When all of the vehicles you have ever owned are eligible for "Historic" tags.

When the BDU's you were issued in the Army are three versions ago. Your rank isn't sewn It's velcro'd And you don't shine your boots. Blasphemy!

When all your favorite movies from when you were a kid are being recycled. John Wayne cannot be replaced !

Rant over.
Amen... My old mustang year that I bought for $895.00 is now going for 30k.. And the military uniforms have changed so much its not funny....some of your favorite tv shows you grew up watching you suddenly realize even the children have passed away now... And what the kids are now learning about in history classes were things you saw happen....