The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Words of wisd..... Yeah right.... We all know better than that!

Man, I’d be pissed. Someone rear ended me while I was waiting at a red light. Insurance doesn’t always help. 😕
So far they have been good. He has the same insurance company we do so that eases things a little. Worst part has been finding a rental. One place has had 50 deer claims in the last week. The one we are getting I from had 15 insurance claims today alone... people need to learn to drive.
Right now just waiting on the estimate from the shop.
It doesn't look it, but there is over half a dump truck load of sawdust in that building. I couldn't scoop it because the back is doors that were pushing out, so it all had to be shoveled out.
Good news is my boss ordered a new lathe and new milling machine for me today. My machines are just old and worn and don't hold tolerances any more. These will also increase my capacity for fixing things as I will be able to cut metric threads now where I would have to send metric parts out before.
Home life has been OK. Bit more busy than I'd like but we are doing good. We did end up getting another "new" car. 2021 sorento. Same color but a little bigger. We were actually looking for one when we got the sportage but they didn't have one at the time. Funny thing for being a bigger suv we are averaging 30mpg town driving vs 25mpg on a trip with the sportage.

Shaving has been a little interesting. My step son stripped the threads out of my 6c that I have been using every day, so I have been playing around with a few razors I haven't used in quite some time. Last night made a bit of pink soap....

And of course, what everyone really comes here to see....

Been a while. Lots to update. Hopefully I can get all my pictures to load and typing done in one shot or this will take me a week... :LOL:

So after the car thing, we went and got a kia sorento. 21 with 21,007 miles on it. It was actually what we were looking for when we went initially but they didn't have one then.


Went to Ohio to a meet-up where I got to see majorrich and gobucks5485 in person.
Came back with a new favorite razor. Got a .065 timeless that just does exactly what I want it too.

Got the new machines in at work. A new south bend toolroom lathe and a new south bend milling machine.


Things at work have been pretty steady. I'm definitely earning the new machines.
I started working on a new doctor wheel for one of our glue spreaders. We wanted a spare because the machine is down for 2 weeks when the rubber surfacing needs redone. My boss got the quote of $3800. I told him that I have a stick of material there and I'd just make it for him. So I started that.
Putting a piece of 5 inch diameter solid steel 4 feet long is pretty interesting, but it's in there.


Was interrupted to go to our garage to get measurements to make a hydraulic coupler for the truck lift. If you look closely, it is actually sitting on the shaft in the above picture. Huge size difference....


Some of the chips off the roll are almost as big as that coupler.


Otherwise, it's just been busy at home. Trying to get a few last things done before winter hits, and spending time with the grandbaby has been very time consuming.

And of course I didn't forget the picture you guys really want to see....

Back for my once in a great while check in. Joined up in KJ's Williams and one blade things so that's how my shaving is going. Liking the sextoblade with these new personna blades. Miss my straights, but they need to be put away right now because they and my strops get messed with and damaged. Teenagers can be a pain...

Work has been a pain... got called in on my anniversary for 4 hours. Two days later I was stuck an extra four and a half hours.... all outside in the rain/sleet/snow crap we have been getting.

And the grandbabies are getting big!

Jaden seems almost grown up already.


And Layla is just getting way too big way too fast. (She is closer and I get to take my camera out and get fancy with her though.)

Excellent photos, Shawn. Layla’s looks like it’s from a portrait studio. 👍👍
Thank you. I used to do some model photography and have actually been published a couple of times. That was a fun hobby and I still have my gear. The wife has instructed me that I am to make sure she has good photos of her first grandchild haha.
Been a while again...
Shaving has been a bit uneventful. Been using the same timeless and was using my vintage Williams. @Spider sent me a synthetic brush to try. Not bad at all. Definitely better that the old plissoft knot that I had tried before. Don't think I'll ever go full synthetic but it is definitely in rotation. I did move from the Williams to try out some soaps kj sent me. I'm on the clown puke right now.
I did order one of those feather clones that @BrisketGuy has. Cost me a whole $1.07 being a first time order.

Work has been work. Did get this interesting job to clean up a bearing seat without removing material that would make the bearings loose.

I put some dykem layout fluid in there to make sure I was only getting the bad spots.


Toughest part was not being able to use my normal boring setup because the bearing seat was in a weird spot and the one side of the housing interfered. Had to make sure I was turned a certain way to get the cutter to clear when entering and exiting the cut.

Got it done with no issues though.

Home has been hectic. Chrissy just had a surgery Friday. Wasn't scheduled to come home until Monday, but she was doing so well in recovery I got to take her home Saturday. She's sore but doing good.
And the little chunk is almost a year old now! Grandpa is teaching her the right way already!

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