Been a while. Lots to update. Hopefully I can get all my pictures to load and typing done in one shot or this will take me a week...
So after the car thing, we went and got a kia sorento. 21 with 21,007 miles on it. It was actually what we were looking for when we went initially but they didn't have one then.
Went to Ohio to a meet-up where I got to see majorrich and gobucks5485 in person.
Came back with a new favorite razor. Got a .065 timeless that just does exactly what I want it too.
Got the new machines in at work. A new south bend toolroom lathe and a new south bend milling machine.
Things at work have been pretty steady. I'm definitely earning the new machines.
I started working on a new doctor wheel for one of our glue spreaders. We wanted a spare because the machine is down for 2 weeks when the rubber surfacing needs redone. My boss got the quote of $3800. I told him that I have a stick of material there and I'd just make it for him. So I started that.
Putting a piece of 5 inch diameter solid steel 4 feet long is pretty interesting, but it's in there.
Was interrupted to go to our garage to get measurements to make a hydraulic coupler for the truck lift. If you look closely, it is actually sitting on the shaft in the above picture. Huge size difference....
Some of the chips off the roll are almost as big as that coupler.
Otherwise, it's just been busy at home. Trying to get a few last things done before winter hits, and spending time with the grandbaby has been very time consuming.
And of course I didn't forget the picture you guys really want to see....