The Shaving Cadre

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What's on your want list (long range)?


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
So here a place to list the things that you have on your long range radar. Items you are interested in and will likely purchase eventually. But not things that will very shortly turn up in the "anxiously awaiting" thread (I'm looking at you KY Dave!).

Here are some that I am interested in. I've been trying to keep a list of things to look at in the future, and will likely add to it, as I sample more and learn more.

Grooming Dept – Angel

Storybook Soapworks - Hallward's Dream

Soapy Science – Doc’s Special Blend

Noble Otter – The Trail

Wholly Kaw – King of Oud (tallow)
The only one I can really think of is that Ballenclaugh Honey Tobacco one.

Oh wait I also want a game changer but am waiting of the more aggressive head.
I want either a Wolfman WR1 or Paradigm 17-4 but only if I can trade for them at this point.
Granted think those are my only options
KJ is going shopping! ?

My list I’m not likely to have any except the most minor of items within the next lifetime. Soaps are on my x-mas list, not really long term. Currently:
- Feather AC DX w/ wood scales
- Colonial General (Brass would be great, but I’m sure any one would do)
- At least one of each of the Fine AS (that would be everything except Platinum right now)
- A rubberized stamp carousel for better razor and brush display
- I guess a Paladin brush would be cool, just to try and ogle.
- Full set of honing gear for SRs
- A beefy, vintage W&B SR with notch and or French point
- A nice, beefy modern SR (probably a Stark) with French point
Oh yes I would also like to get into honing. But have no idea where to start.
Well there's the stuff that I want, but it's never at the top of the list when I break down and actually order things.

PdP 63 EdT
Tallow & Steel Maya
Declaration Grooming Bandwagon
Several other soaps
Muhle Silvertip Rocca brush in birch bark

I want more Sorrentino brushes than I should buy or would have space for. So I figure I'll just slowly accumulate those. Given the hype, I'd like to try a Paladin brush, but don't see spending the money for one of those instead of two Sorrentino's.

My longer term, probably never get to, would be seeing if I can get an RX powder coated in orange and black. This would require that be possible without messing with the super close tolerances and getting a 2nd RX.
My list is VERY long range.

Custom straight razor - Not sure which brand though. Have always loved the looks of those Koraats, Brian Browns, and Starks.
Rudy Vey Manchurian - cmh sold me on this one
Hones - I am sure I will probably want to move on past lapping film at some point
Software - There will ALWAYS be soaps and aftershaves that I want to try and get more of.
Aaron and John, please send me your addresses.
I have a long wish list. Here are the top entries:
- a Karve DE
- a Timeless Master Kit in Stainless
- a Brian Brown custom straight razor
- a Koraat 14 2.0 straight razor
- a Stark custom straight razor
- a Wacker All Around Blonde
- a Dovo Astrale
- a Simpson Chubby Silvertip
- a Kent BLK12 Silvertip
- a Paladin brush (to try, not necessarily to own)
- two or three more Sorrentino brushes with various knots

As far as software goes, I would like to try Wholly Kaw, Declaration Grooming, MdC, PannaCrema Nuavia, and a few other high-end products. I also plan to pickup a few more CBL soaps and PAA CK-6 soaps. But, I don't really consider those part of my long range wish list since those are much easier to get than $100+ razors and brushes.
I was thinking about this and can't really come up with much. There are plenty of things out there that are really cool, but I don't know what I actually want to get to add to my collection.
I would like to get some vintage williams at some point, and maybe another vintage old spice at some point. Might like to try some Wholly Kaw donkey milk just to see what the hype is about, but with CBL and Lisa's already in my cabinet, I'm not in any rush.

Probably a Koraat, Snailforge, and Bluesman straight razors, and a new Jnat finisher at some point down the road.

And probably more odds and ends stuff to have on hand for enabling... err... PIFing.

Edit: And a good strop...
To be honest I really don't know about this. I am such an impulsive buyer that I never really make goals for myself when it comes to wet shaving. Some of the things I would like to get at some point in time in my life are:

A custom straight - but I guess I really need to learn how to use one first
A Paladin Brush
A 30 mm Brush of some sort
A Simpson in Best Badger or better - I just think a Simpson Brush is iconic and probably deserves to be on everyone's list to buy at some point
A Gillette Aristocrat of some sort - better than user grade and likely one of the ones that are more rare...haven't quite decided on which one
A Gillette Fatboy - For some reason I have just never got around to getting one of these
A Modern Razor System - Something like ATT, Timeless, Rockwell, or the like...I haven't settled on which one yet...but I am leaning toward the Rockwell
A Modern Single Edge - Have no idea here and I am not even sure if this is something that I will use a lot...but I have to have one if I am going to use everything else

Anyway...this is what I got so far. I am constantly buying soaps and aftershaves so I purposely left these off.