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What is Dragon's blood

The Monkey

"I See the Good in Every Shave"
I had ordered some CBL Roasted oatmeal stout and Chris threw in a sample of Dragon's blood. I had seen the guys talk about it but I'm not very good at understanding scent profiles so I was happy to smell it for myself.

I excitedly unscrewed the jar and took a deep mind was flooded with childhood memories.....Bottle Caps! I know some of you are about my age so maybe you remember one of my favorite candies...yes, Bottle Caps.

I had to smile because the name Dragon's Blood sounds so dark and powerful but it smells just like sticking my nose is a package of candy.

The soap itself is great. Chris has the formula just about perfect. It lathers easily, is slick ( it actually should have a warning because it makes it hard to hold onto the brush is the lather gets onto the handle) and had a great face feel afterwards.
Bottle Caps? I get it. I enjoy(ed) the dragons blood scent but after mixing up 2 batches I am pretty tired of it and it definitely triggers my wife's migrain. Needless to say I will tread lightly with dragons blood going forward.
Totally preexisting. There are different versions available but this one is straight out of a bottle. The only part I had control over is how much I used.
Chris, is Dragon's Blood your invention or is it a preexisting scent?

Ive used Dragon’s Blood for years. I have Dragon’s Blood Shave soap from Mama Bear and Honeybee Soap. And each are similar, but still unique.

I also burn Dragon’s Blood incense. It’s a favorite of mine.
Used some Ghost Dragon's Blood last night for the first time.
Great shave. Good post shave feel.
Didn't feel the ghost much in the shave. Felt it a little post shave, but not too much.
Liked the soap...a lot!
Used some Ghost Dragon\'s Blood last night for the first time.\nGreat shave. Good post shave feel.\nDidn\'t feel the ghost much in the shave. Felt it a little post shave, but not too much.\nLiked the soap...a lot!
\nThat\'s odd. You are I think the 2nd one that said they didn\'t feel it much (Forget who the other was) Mine was definitely there and stronger then the Ghost lime. It was NICE !!
So, so far Dragons Blood is:

- Hippies
- Incense
- Bottle Caps

Whats next...
Don't know any and I was never a hippie
Never got into burning incense
Never ate Bottle Caps that I can remember

Dragon's Blood is an amazing scent with sweetness, woodiness, and a nice hit of amber.

I love the CBL Ghost Dragon's Blood even more that I liked the sample of THB Tell Tale Heart that I got from Barber Dave last year.
Don't feel bad Dave... I can't describe scents either. Or differences in lather. Or post shave. Or pretty much anything else..... There is a good reason I don't do reviews.
Doesn't bother me. I leave that to the professional youtubers. Water off a ducks backside ?
ShawnF said:
There is a good reason I don't do reviews.
I realize not everyone does reviews. I just like to hear everyone’s impressions on scents. I don’t care if you can pick out the notes. If you just tell me what you think of when you use it, or it reminds you of something, or it evokes this feeling or memory, that’s what I like to hear!
That's fair enough KJ. I try to comment if I see someone else has posted about something I have or have tried, but I don't know enough to start my own thread on it if that makes sense.