You might enjoy Encre Noire if you can find a sample. Same kind of vibe, no coffee, but that dark earthy green. It’s a beast on my skin.Parle Moi de Parfums - Woody Perfecto
Yes, the warm streak here continues, and this scent is just made for the warm weather, the opposite of a freshie, a dark coffee infused dank vetiver that just says, 'I'm a he man' in the heat.
Thanks for the recco Chris, that was one of the first vetivers I wanted to find when I got into this, and now I've forgotten all about it. Just checked some reviews, it sounds totally up my burnt forest of a wheelhouse.You might enjoy Encre Noire if you can find a sample. Same kind of vibe, no coffee, but that dark earthy green. It’s a beast on my skin.