The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What does your Forum Name Mean or Stand for ??

Been at my job 22 years now. Ugh!
When I first started had a guy that was a douche. Thought he would mess with the FNG.
Southpark was big at the time. And one character Cartman had a pet pig named FLuffy. He started calling me that. Instead of bitching about it. I embraced it. Can't get in my head that way. 8 yrs. U.S. Army. ;)
My co-workers did as well. (embrace) Guess they didn't think I was a douche. I write it on my gloves, hard hat, vest and anything else I don't want people messing with.
We've had a lot of new guys start at my district. When they are told "don't sit there. That's Fluffy's chair" The looks they give are comical.
Nice story. I was named Peewee where I worked for awhile by the guy that named everyone there. I'm not there now. Was fine with me and I too embraced it and asked him to name our new kitten at the time.
I was looking around the forums today and discovered that there is?/was? a soap brand called Shaving Yeti. I had no clue that this was out there. From the responses in the forum posts, it is not a very good shaming soap and that along with the similarity in user name really makes me regret the first part of my name on this forum.

Admin, is there any way that I can take a Mulligan and change my name on this forum? If so, thanks and I will start the process of finding something to replace my forum name with. If not then you all can go and ...... just kidding, if not I will just keep the name even though it is similar to an inferior brand of shaving soap.
I was looking around the forums today and discovered that there is?/was? a soap brand called Shaving Yeti. I had no clue that this was out there. From the responses in the forum posts, it is not a very good shaming soap and that along with the similarity in user name really makes me regret the first part of my name on this forum.

Admin, is there any way that I can take a Mulligan and change my name on this forum? If so, thanks and I will start the process of finding something to replace my forum name with. If not then you all can go and ...... just kidding, if not I will just keep the name even though it is similar to an inferior brand of shaving soap.
Sorry, Fluffy is spoken for.
Sorry, Fluffy is spoken for.
Years back I needed inspiration for a forum screen name. Chose Galactus because he's a cool comic character, but gave it a Mortal Kombat flair and came up with Galaktus. Avatar is of Galactus eating a planet. Thought about coming up with a new screen name, but I've had this for a while. My real name is Laszlo, Laz for short.