Whooo doggies! Did I save money today! First, I scored not one, not two, but THREE bottles of Nivea 2 in 1 Aftershave Splash. I checked eBay, no luck. Then I checked The World Wide Web (www) and found a shop in the UK that sold them for 10 pounds. I was a little concerned because I wanted to order three bottles, and shipping 30 pounds of flammable liquids could be prohibitively costly, no? As luck would have it, they don’t ship to our fair shores. Worried, I was forced to look elsewhere, and found a shop stateside and ordered my three bottles. Whew!
Now, here is where the real savings come in. As we all know,
@thecajunblade has an Etsy store for SR shavers, and shaving soap. I placed an order for two tubs of the fantastic Savon Nu Unscented Tallow Soap. However, my keen eye spotted a notice informing me that for Just $5 More, I could have Free Shipping! Free, I mean Really Free. Being frugal and environmentally conscious, of course I added a third puck! I mean, I’m not Stupid or anything. Adding the third puck not only saved me Gazillions of Dollars on shipping, but it also means that there will be no need to fly in more from the super-secret overseas Unscent mines, then ship by rail, then truck to my mailbox. Genius, if I may say so modestly. Your grandchildren will thank me one day.