That label is pretty nifty!love the artwork and design.
My order has been shipped, but with a different handle, which I actually like better.Shield Titanium Artist Club Razor from Boti Brush
View attachment 95750
Much better.which I actually like better.
Those are very nice scuttles.. I have one of the original prototypes of the Moss scuttles that I was fortunate enough to be sent by Chris Moss himself along with a prototype adjustable shave brush that he ( Chris ) and Bernd from shavemac designed.... I think they are very good scuttles......A Sara Bonnyman Moss scuttle is on the way, in a color different from my current slate one, just for variety.
Not here….Is Dave in KY amongst the living?
YesIs Dave in KY amongst the living?
My Roughout is my favorite strop.