Little update copied from Facebook.
Stirling Soap Co.
My sincere apologies to everyone waiting on orders. I completely underestimated the demand for our hand sanitizing serum. We have enough to fulfill every order and then some, but on Friday alone in just 12 hours after the release we got over 17 days worth of orders. We are working as fast as possible to get caught up, but this is going to take some time. I am very sorry for the delay. We will get your order out to you as soon as humanly possible. We're working extended hours and weekends, and I've got family helping out as well. Our storefront is still closed and everyone here is following strict cleanliness protocols while we work.
Thank you to everyone who has ordered. We saw a pretty sharp downturn in orders over the first few weeks of this ordeal and were starting to get worried, but the hand sanitizer production has made us an "essential" business here locally, helping us to avoid shutting down and helping to ensure that everyone here continues to have a job. Thank you from all of us here at Stirling for supporting our business, and thank you for your patience while we get caught up.
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