The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

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Nice Mail Calls Guys!

A 2 ounce bottle of Avon Wild Country. My wife said this one "smells like powdered grandma" so I have been forbidden from wearing it. I guess I will have to use it sparingly. This gives me a bottle of Windjammer, Blend 7, Deep Woods, and this one of Wild Country. I need to find more room for my aftershaves.

I have to agree with your wife!
Mail call haul...

This one is an ebay score that arrived on Friday.
A 2 ounce bottle of Avon Wild Country. My wife said this one "smells like powdered grandma" so I have been forbidden from wearing it. I guess I will have to use it sparingly. This gives me a bottle of Windjammer, Blend 7, Deep Woods, and this one of Wild Country. I need to find more room for my aftershaves.

These arrived today...
An El Jefe head from @Sskim3.

Two samples of CBL soap from @Cvargo. I am really looking forward to trying these (as well as using the two pucks I ordered today). I have been wanting to try Chris' soap for a long time now.

My first Feather straight. I got a great deal for this on The Bay. This should be lots of fun.

And finally from ItalianBarber my Game Changer and some blades that I have never tried inspired by the blade PIF from @Graybeard57. I did not realize that the GC comes with a leather case. That is very cool.

Glad the soaps arrived safely! Hope you like Chris' soap. You will love the LIMEY Feather!

Very cool mail call Doug! You’re shaving in style now!

My own thanks to Dave in KY, Chad, and Lisa for making this happen! Way cool...and damn right I sniffed it already! So yummy.

Sweet glad it arrived safe and sound!
Yowza! Great box o goodies! Osage, Speick, Fine, La’ll be having great shaves for eons!
Yes TJ, I spotted the 42 as well.

And 600 blades?? That’s like at least 50 years worth!!!!
Yes TJ, I spotted the 42 as well.

And 600 blades?? That’s like at least 50 years worth!!!!

IDK about 50 yrs I only get 6-8 shaves from each DE blade. I already had a couple hundred DE, 150-200 GEM blades and 150 or so AC style blades. I should be set for a while though.
Mail call today....some sample jars (x40) and the new Wholly Kaw soap and matching toner (non-alcohol)...Dance of Argrumes. This smells absolutely wonderful! Citrus up top quickly overtaken by some woody resinous scents!
Well usps trscking is down now but earlier it said I had a couple packages hit Knoxville in the wee hours which usually means delivered today since my mail comes fairly late. I got chicken skin waiting on some soap !!!!!
Ok, so why didn't I know about this soap and it's already gone!