I need to say something real quick gents...
I am not a doctor, nor am I in a position to make medical diagnosis. In fact, I had to take Biology 101 a few different times in college. I need to mention this because I don't want anyone to think what I do is in fact what they should do. We are all different and have to find out what works for us health wise. I am only expressing my experiences and what has worked for me. I am also sharing the expertise and scientific/medical studies that I have found. I am happy to share my experiences...but that is all they are...my experiences. Please consult your medical professional before doing anything as drastic as what I have done...I consulted mine and see her every three months to make sure everything I am doing is safe.
Nothing else to see here...move along.
I may have done that as well, but I'm not sure. My parents were in town this past weekend. Last weekend was my Dad's birthday, and this weekend was of course, Mother's Day, so I took them out to eat. We went to a Chinese buffet. I tried to select food choices that should follow my Keto WOE, but I don't really know what was in a couple of the sauces. Then after we got home we had a small glass of cream sherry. So if dinner didn't kick me out of ketosis, I'm sure the alcohol did. My muscles were pretty sore the next day, not sure if that was a symptom of that or not.I did a very bad thing...I ate food that I wasn't supposed to.
Kudos on the new way of eating!I too have been on what you might call a keto way of eating (i’m Old school and just call it Adkins or simply, very low carb) for the last several weeks.
Smells like watered down dirt with a hint of bacon..... generic witch hazel. Stuff smells like...I dunno what...
Yeah, Lipitor is something that you should really look to getting off of. A lot of bad side effects and a lot of negative studies that are coming out now about the stuff. I will try to post links to studies about the statin class of drugs. Just really bad stuff with no real positives. Total Cholesterol really mean nothing. Metformin is a different story. It has been proven to be a pretty safe drug with positive benefits even for healthy people. Cutting sugar in any form is always a good thing. And has a direct result in lowering Triglycerides and increasing HDL.
Appreciate this. Given I spent three years as the stroke coordinator for a Comprehensive Stroke Center that was doing and publishing research on the effects of late starting and or stopping use of statins and the actual increased risk of stroke, I would say right on for anyone that wants to modify their lifestyle to decrease needs for medications, but don't stop any without discussion with your physician. Not saying anyone was implying that should happen. I just shudder when I think of all the people I saw with strokes because they stopped taking this or that medication (usually because they couldn't afford them).I need to say something real quick gents...
I am not a doctor, nor am I in a position to make medical diagnosis. In fact, I had to take Biology 101 a few different times in college. I need to mention this because I don't want anyone to think what I do is in fact what they should do. We are all different and have to find out what works for us health wise. I am only expressing my experiences and what has worked for me. I am also sharing the expertise and scientific/medical studies that I have found. I am happy to share my experiences...but that is all they are...my experiences. Please consult your medical professional before doing anything as drastic as what I have done...I consulted mine and see her every three months to make sure everything I am doing is safe.
Nothing else to see here...move along.
Ok, that sounds awesomestrawberry shortcake (pan-seared pound cake in butter and sugar with fresh strawberries and homemade whipped cream).
Thanks! I appreciate you keeping it a secret!Good shave.
Dont worry, your eating secret is safe with us!
I almost bought Thayers yesterday (rose, cucumber, or lavender where the local options) but with the price and particular scents, I just hesitated. The store was out of Dickenson’s, so I just went for the generic witch hazel. Stuff smells like...I dunno what...but it seems to work and doesn’t last too long scent wise, thank goodness!
This was literally the first time that I didn't keep to my way of eating. Fortunately, the splurge didn't cause really any discernible harm to my diet. And it didn't knock me out of ketosis. So all is well. And yup...there and back in the same day...just got back!Great read, shave, and picture Don!
I just got my 1st tub of Wholly Kaw King of Oud. I'm looking forward to using it soon! Thayers is great stuff. I've only used the alcohol free unscented. That way I don't worry about it clashing with any scents.
It is hard at times to stick to a diet, but we do what we can! I do my best to keep to mine, so much to the point now that it has pretty much become habit. I don't have to look up the carb count on every thing because I already know it.
Hope you have a safe trip! Will you be driving there and back in one day? I would almost have to require an over night for that.
Nice shave.
We all need to have a treat once in a while. I hope you have a safe day at work tomorrow.
Yea, the extra stuff is one of the reasons I originally wanted it (plus it seems to be the favorite), but the scents available didn’t jive with me, the price was x2 of Dickenson’s and x5 generic, then I caught the thread on the other place that it wasn’t even classifiable as actual witch hazel! What?! So I just saved a number of bucks and went generic. It’s actually worked well so far. Along with a special running alcohol mix, I’ve cut Clubman, cut and made a Brut frag into an semi-AS, and even snuck some into my Veg (still stinks so far). It’s been a fun experiment!Thanks! I appreciate you keeping it a secret!I use Thayers less for the witch hazel (though that is part of it) and more for all the other good stuff in it. To date, I have used the coconut water, cucumber, lavender, rose petal, peach, lemon, after shave splash version, and Super Hazel/Medicated. The only one I think I haven't tried is the Original. None of the scents lasrt long nor would I say compete with other scents. But you gotta use what works for you.![]()
Thanks for this. Your journal and links to supporting information are very helpful and quite encouraging to those of us with similar issues and motivations. Your passion for your new found way of eating is a lot like the passion we all had/have for our particular way(s) of shaving. Like shaving, there are many options available and many ways to eat and be healthy. You sharing the things you’ve learned may be the kick in the butt that helps one of use (present or future Cadre gents) make the changes needed in our life so we can live longer, happier and healthier. As you said above, these are YOUR experiences not medical advice.
...now, about what you ate for mother’s day. That’s some seriously GOOD eats right there. I too have been on what you might call a keto way of eating (i’m Old school and just call it Adkins or simply, very low carb) for the last several weeks. I am familiar with the lifestyle as it has been the “diet” that results in my feeling the best. I can tolerate a good amount of fruits but breads and sugar definitely leave me feeling my worst (and my fattest). I love me some gravy, biscuits and gravy is an excellent way to eat gravy. I blew it today and started with a couple small homemade donuts with maple bacon glaze, the ended up eating some Scalloped taters and some strawberry shortcake (just the little shortcakes from the store). All in all my I take was not too out of line so I won’t likely feel to poorly. Personally, I find the easiest way to break through a plateau is to have a simple cheat day then hit the routine hard the next day. Some people suggest the fat bomb to help break through but I prefer the short cheat period. Strictly speaking I am pretty sure the fat bomb would be a “healthier” way but I consider it a compromise with the fat guy inside me who really wants a vanilla soft serve.
Sometimes we are put in those positions. I think every now and then it is okay. Just get back on it right afterward or the next day. I think the soar muscles are pretty typical. Drink some water, get some electrolytes...and eat some fat! MMM...Bacon!I may have done that as well, but I'm not sure. My parents were in town this past weekend. Last weekend was my Dad's birthday, and this weekend was of course, Mother's Day, so I took them out to eat. We went to a Chinese buffet. I tried to select food choices that should follow my Keto WOE, but I don't really know what was in a couple of the sauces. Then after we got home we had a small glass of cream sherry. So if dinner didn't kick me out of ketosis, I'm sure the alcohol did. My muscles were pretty sore the next day, not sure if that was a symptom of that or not.
King of Oud is definitely wher it is at!Not sure how I missed the shave from yesterday, but what a set-up Don! Love me some King of Oud, it's definitely my top WK scent ahead of Fern Concerto and Tempest.
I need to get back to the grind after a few years off the train of watching my food intake and starting to exercise again...when I was experiencing my most effective weight loss I was eating a low fat, high fiber diet with one "reward" day where I could eat almost whatever I wanted. Red meat was a very rare thing, as it's so difficult to break down. Combined with a pretty robust workout regime, I managed to lose about 75 lbs in about 8 months. of course that was 7 years ago...I've since put that all back on. LOL.
Getting caught up Don. And yes Coconut Oud by Lisa's Naturals. She usually has promotions throughout the month. You need to follow her site. Don't pay full price and get yourself that SOAP NOW!
Appreciate this. Given I spent three years as the stroke coordinator for a Comprehensive Stroke Center that was doing and publishing research on the effects of late starting and or stopping use of statins and the actual increased risk of stroke, I would say right on for anyone that wants to modify their lifestyle to decrease needs for medications, but don't stop any without discussion with your physician. Not saying anyone was implying that should happen. I just shudder when I think of all the people I saw with strokes because they stopped taking this or that medication (usually because they couldn't afford them).
I have an old doctor client who worked along side the doctor who ended up “creating” the zone diet. They did a lot of research together but my client ended up going his separate way. He advocated for eat foods in combination. For example, he could eat oatmeal with ground almonds and butter and maintain weight and feel good. If he ate straight up oatmeal his weight would creep up and he would feel like crude. Meanwhile his wife (and myself) can’t eat oatmeal without significant weight gain. I sure there are many variables that go into our responses to foods but the keto/low carb way seems to work well provided you commit to it. You can’t do keto half way or you end up making all your problems worse.
Razor: 1962 Gillette Slim Adjustable
Blade: Polsilver SI (3rd Shave)
Soap/cream: Proraso Cream (in the tube)
Brush: Sorrentino Brush with Tuxedo Knot
Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
After the Aftershave: Proraso
Other Gear: None
Sorry no pic today.
I was in a hurry today so it was a quick Proraso Cream on the brush and a face lather. The Slim did another fine job. I am really in love with this Coconut Water Thayers. It really feels great on the face. A splash of Proraso Aftershave...and I was ready to go! I have to say that I don't pull out the Proraso AS very often. And I don't know why. That is a very solid AS that does a great job. Not much on the longevity, but you can always add an EDT to it.
Danger Zone:
I had to drive eight hours round trip today to go do an interview. The people were nice enough, but the whole case is a waste of my time. It is obvious that this is just a political game to try to get rid of an individual and there is no real violation. PoliTRICKS! Not much else to say really...just happy to read the varied views on my posts and glad that you guys actually read what I write. Have a great evening gents!
Nice quick shave, Don! Sorry to hear that the trip was a little bit of tomfoolery, but there isn't too much that can be done about that. At least it wasn't a hostile interview!