The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: 1962 Gillette Slim Adjustable
Blade: Polsilver SI (4th Shave)
Soap/cream: Mystic Water - Windjammer
Brush: Stirling 24 mm Fan Finest Badger
Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
After the Aftershave: Avon - Windjammer
Other Gear: None

It was a Windjammer sort of day!

Okay, so the scents don't match up perfectly. The Mystic Water Windjammer soap is more of an Old Spice scent, while the Avon Windjammer is kind of a peppery citrus...but a little lighter. Either way they match enough...and to be honest, I don't really care if they didn't. Sharing a name is good enough for me.

It was a three pass shave today. Typical stokes in the typical direction. The slim is fast becoming a favorite, even over the Super Adjustable that has become accustomed to be my daily driver. I guess only time will tell. The shave was somewhere between DFS+ and BBS. Not perfect, but perfect enough. I would talk more about the soap...but you know...the soap can stand on its own. One of the best in the biz as far as I am concerned.

The Danger Zone:

I won't get into everything now, because I am trying to get out the door here in a few. But I listened to a podcast the other day and the guest was a guy named Dr. William Davis. He is a cardiologist and Author of the popular "Wheat Belly" series. He is an anti-grain proponent and has done some really interesting research. Anyway, during the podcast, he talked about these MIT studies that researched the Lactobacillus starins...specifically, Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475. He claims that consuming a
yogurt with high concentrations of this probiotic has some seriously rewarding health benefits. Well color me intrigued. I went out and ordered a supplement containing this strain and I am looking into making some of the yogurt myself.

That is all for now guys. I will try to find links to all or some of the MIT studies as soon as I can and post them here. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Nice entry today Don. I eat yogurt daily. I am happy with just plain greek yogurt and sometimes add a drop of honey or some berries.
Nice one Don! The Slim's and FB's really do shave well. I've read similar studies about the benefits of the bacillus present in yogurt...
Sorry the shave didn’t fully click today!

My oldest son was on a regimen of extreme probiotics for a while to help correct some gut health issues he had in connection with his cilliac disease (gluten intolerance, among other things). We’re talking high billions count probiotics. He still takes a pill occasionally to help balance his system once in a while. It has improved that area of his health and digestion dramatically. I hope it does for you too.
You guys probably saved me from bad things as I was || this close to stopping taking statins because they don't seem to make any difference in my cholesterol. I guess I'll keep taking 'em. When I first started they gave me EPIC gas and I was in a community play being the Rabbi in Fiddler on the roof. Farting through just about every scene getting picked up on the sound equipment. I temporarily stopped for that.
Catching up Don!

Great shaves and pictures!

I eat Kroger CarbMaster yogurt. Don't know if it's available under another brand, 4 carbs and 60 cals. per container.
Great shave and pic.

Nice shave and pic today Don

Thanks for reading and commenting!

You guys probably saved me from bad things as I was || this close to stopping taking statins because they don't seem to make any difference in my cholesterol. I guess I'll keep taking 'em. When I first started they gave me EPIC gas and I was in a community play being the Rabbi in Fiddler on the roof. Farting through just about every scene getting picked up on the sound equipment. I temporarily stopped for that.

I think it is okay to try to get off fact I think it is okay to try to get off any medication. But you have to include your medical professional with this decision. Some drugs require a safe way to stop using them. Now I am not a fan of Statin drugs...but it is useful for some people. If it isn't affecting your numbers, then I would definitely talk about it with your doc. This may require you to question your doctors orders, which he won't like. But remember, you are the customer, and if the results are not there, it is your prerogative to ask why. Believe it or not...the doctor doesn't always know what is best. I will make a point of it to post some credible studies this week about Statin use and about cholesterol. If your doctor is an alder doctor, he likely isn't up to date on the most recent conclusions on cholesterol. Guess isn't as bad as what we all thought.

Catching up Don!

Great shaves and pictures!

I eat Kroger CarbMaster yogurt. Don't know if it's available under another brand, 4 carbs and 60 cals. per container.

I haven't seen that yogurt Craig. I'll have to look for it. Most yogurts have much more in the way of sugar than what they are supposed to. The companies just keep adding stuff to it. Four carbs per container is a pretty low. The problem I have with all of these pre-package, pre-made yogurts is that even IF, and that is a big if, I can find one that is low is also very low fat. Commercial yogurts just don't have the macro-nutrients that I need. That is why my wife and I have been making our own yogurt. I can make a yogurt at home that will have virtually no carbohydrates in them and made with 100% natural ingredients. We use an Instant Pot, but a yogurt maker on Amazon can be as cheap as $30-$50. Some people even use rice makers. Or you can just use your's a little finicky that way...but it can be done.

Nice entry today Don. I eat yogurt daily. I am happy with just plain greek yogurt and sometimes add a drop of honey or some berries.

Nice one Don! The Slim's and FB's really do shave well. I've read similar studies about the benefits of the bacillus present in yogurt...

Thanks guys for reading and commenting guys. I do want to reiterate though that I am making this particular yogurt with a ver specific strain, for very specific reasons.

Sorry the shave didn’t fully click today! My oldest son was on a regimen of extreme probiotics for a while to help correct some gut health issues he had in connection with his cilliac disease (gluten intolerance, among other things). We’re talking high billions count probiotics. He still takes a pill occasionally to help balance his system once in a while. It has improved that area of his health and digestion dramatically. I hope it does for you too.

BINGO! while I don't have Cilliac disease, gut health in general is so important. It is so important in fact, that some doctors call your gut the human body's second brain. The gut microbiome helps regulate so many different biological functions. And yet no one realizes this. Over half of Americans are walking around with bacterial and viral gut infections as well as parasitic infections, yet have no idea. There usually are no over symptoms so people don't know...and upon recommendation of the insurance companies...doctors won't test for them.

The reason I am making a yogurt with this strain is so I can build up the bacteria up into the billions like you had your son on.

In my next post I will give you the benefits of this strain and links to the research articles.
So why am I making a yogurt with the specific bacteria strain of Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475? The biggest reason for this is because:

Increased oxytocin
–A doubling of oxytocin blood levels was observed in mice, the effect responsible for the extravagant skin benefits, reduced insulin resistance, dramatic increases in testosterone in males, increased estrogen in females, thicker and more plentiful hair. Other studies have demonstrated substantial weight loss, especially from visceral fat, increased muscle mass, and increased bone density (protection from osteoporosis/osteopenia). Additionally, there are some serious anti-inflammatory effects.

All of this is layed out in Dr. William Davis' Undoctored and Wheat Belly sites.

While most or all of these studies are done in mice, it should be noted that they are randomized control studies which are considered the gold standard in scientific research. Additionally, while I am not sure if there have been randomized control studies done on humans in relation to Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475, these benefits have been observed in humans. So while there isn't scientific proof...there is quite a bit of evidence leaning toward it.

Oh and by the way...if you are wondering exactly what Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 is? It is the naturally occurring bacteria found in human breast milk. Just a bit more to ponder.

Anyway, here are the titles and links to the studies I was talking about. Thank you all for giving me a platform to speak my mind.

New MIT Study: Better Wound Recovery Linked to Consumption of Microbes from Human Milk

Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and Testicular Size in Aging Mice

Beneficial bacteria stimulate host immune cells to counteract dietary and genetic predisposition to mammary cancer in mice

Microbial reprogramming inhibits Western diet-associated obesity.

Human-derived probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri strains differentially reduce intestinal inflammation.

Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri ameliorates disease due to
enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli in germfree mice.

FolC2-mediated folate metabolism contributes to suppression of inflammation by probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri.

Probiotic L. reuteri treatment prevents bone loss in a menopausal ovariectomized mouse model.

A simulated mucus layer protects Lactobacillus reuteri from the inhibitory effects of linoleic acid.

Lactobacillus reuteri strain combination in Helicobacter pylori infection: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Razor: Grand Shave King Self Lubricating Razor
Blade: Rapira Super Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/cream: PannaCrema - Ebano
Brush: Rudy Vey Two Band SIlver Tip Badger
Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Water Witch Hazel
After the Aftershave: Fine Accoutrements - Fresh Vetiver
Other Gear: Captain's Choice Lather Bowl - Tempest

I decided to pull out the Grand Shave King Razor that I have. I don't know a ton about these except that they had a short run...I believe in the mid 1940s...and that they give what is likely the mildest shave of any razor. There is a company that makes a reproduction of this...but that is company I just can't mention the name. Anyway, the theory behind the double open comb design is that water and lather get caught up into the little slits and help maintain a level of lubrication between the razor and the skin. Not really sure if that works or not. Since I was pulling out a razor that I hadn't used in a while, then I should do so with the soap also. PannaCrema Ebano was the choice. I know there is a love hate relationship with PannaCrema, and while the Nuavia line is top notch in scent and other factors, the regular tallow lines I believe are a much better all around soap. Sacrilegious, I know! This soap is unobtanium. PannaCrema discontinued this line for their Pure 2O line. I believe they are similar...but scents are different. Ebano smells wonderful! It is supposed to be a warm smokey, woody, and amber scent. But I smell a clean fresh soapy scent. Just smells good to me. Anyway...PC Ebano performed like a charm and was easy for me to lather. I did a three pass shave today because I knew the razor was going to mild. That is an understatement. I am not sure you can actually nick or cut yourself on this razor. But despite it being so mild, I ended up with a BBS on the cheeks and DFS
on the neck. Fairly typical of my shave. I might shave with this guy all week to see if I can dial it in some more.

The Danger Zone:

Really not much to report here. The weekend was filled with chores and some relaxation. The wife ordered me some Hawaiian Shirts that I am super excited about...but I'll talk more about that later. Work...well, work is just work. Anyway, have to run...hope you gents have a wonderful day!
Nice shave today, and I like the look of that razor. Very similar to the SLOC that Chad has been using of late from RR. There is another company that shan't be named here that makes a razor like that...
Really sorry about the length of the reads. I promise they will shorten in the days to come.
I don't mind the length of your posts. They are all great reads. I just knew I didn't have the time that first day. I am really glad your diet is working so well for you. That is awesome that you are making your own yogurt. I typically eat a lot of store brand Greek yogurt, but will without a doubt look into making it. Especially with that strain.
Great shave, read, and picture Don!

Interesting razor for sure! I wondered how it was "self-lubricating".
Nice shave today, and I like the look of that razor. Very similar to the SLOC that Chad has been using of late from RR. There is another company that shan't be named here that makes a razor like that...
Thanks for not naming that never know...the world might end!

I don't mind the length of your posts. They are all great reads. I just knew I didn't have the time that first day. I am really glad your diet is working so well for you. That is awesome that you are making your own yogurt. I typically eat a lot of store brand Greek yogurt, but will without a doubt look into making it. Especially with that strain.
Just wanted to say...thanks for reading them. And even if you don't make a yogurt with that particular strain...look into making some yourself. You can make a much better and healthier yogurt than what you buy in the store...and it tastes better. Plus if you have an Instant Pot of Rice Cooker it is super easy!

Nice easy catch up!
Thanks Chad!

Great shave. That is a nice looking razor.
I got it from a junk store for next to nothing...the guy had no idea what it was.

Great shave, read, and picture Don!

Interesting razor for sure! I wondered how it was "self-lubricating".

Well, I didn't really notice any "self-lubricating" going on. But the shave itself was interesting. I'll get into it more the rest of this week.

Great shave Don!

Post some pics of the shirts when they arrive please!

Oh I most definitely will!

Thanks for reading all!