The Shaving Cadre

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Various Acquisition Disorder Enablement anti-Restraint-VADER

Bowing to pressure from the Mrs I may end up reducing my $200 daily limit to something more like $600 for the year. Apparently I can’t have everything I want from the shaving world AND live in my house. I am not sure it’s the expense she’s referring to, it could be about the growing stash of stuff now occupying various storage locations in the house. I feel a purge comming on.
Day one of the VADER

spent $20 on Oglala Bay Rum soap and aftershave. (Wife has been wanting me to get Bay Rum back into the rotation for a while now).

Spent $14 on 200 7 o’clock green Permasharps from India( building my shaveoclypse stash as these were dirt cheap and work in my Futur clone)

leaving $166 left for the year currently.
Bowing to pressure from the Mrs I may end up reducing my $200 daily limit to something more like $600 for the year. Apparently I can’t have everything I want from the shaving world AND live in my house. I am not sure it’s the expense she’s referring to, it could be about the growing stash of stuff now occupying various storage locations in the house. I feel a purge comming on.

It may be the expense Chris...the more you buy, the more room you need. That may later mean an expansion of some sort of the dwelling facilities!
I'll be pleased with myself if I only add 4 new brushes this year.
I am weathering the storm well and have spent $0 so far this year. Oh wait ... it’s only day 2.
That's a big goal since you have shown you can do that many in 1 month
To be fair, I didn't purchase 2 of those.

I figure the TSC anniversary. 2 customs from Eric, spaced out enough to not stir up too many comments and 1 for wiggle room.
\n\nIs that on top of the ones you just picked up? Are you talking 2019 or 2018? I think I a, set for the year.
\n2019. Those where all acquired in 2018 silly. They don\'t count ?
Ok. Well I think I can pop one in this year and still be compliant with the Vader. Good thing I didn’t try to take a S.
Well, so far I have spent $0. I was tempted to take advantage of the massive sale at WCS before the end of the year (even had some SV in the cart) but decided to hold off. As a result of our 25th anniversary december was an expensive month, i figure I should get a handle on the current budget before adding too much more. On a side note, i have chosen a dozen or so straight razors to sell off. I don't know when or how I will sell them off but those funds may just provide the basis for future purchases. I hope to PIF some additional hardware and random experimental CBL soap tubs in the future too.
Since I used gift cards to buy my TSC anniversary brush then I am still at 0$ for this year and my budget is still pleasantly in tact
TSC items don't count against this budget unless you choose it too.
Day one of the VADER

spent $20 on Oglala Bay Rum soap and aftershave. (Wife has been wanting me to get Bay Rum back into the rotation for a while now).

Spent $14 on 200 7 o’clock green Permasharps from India( building my shaveoclypse stash as these were dirt cheap and work in my Futur clone)

leaving $166 left for the year currently.

subtract 17 for 200 more blades. Down to $149
Not sure if this should be included but will post it and let you all decide.

Purchased an Keihl’ Exfoliating Cleanser today. Use it for exfoliate but also before shaves to clean away dead skin and lift the beard.

$28/ $223
Not sure if this should be included but will post it and let you all decide. \n\nPurchased an Keihl’ Exfoliating Cleanser today. Use it for exfoliate but also before shaves to clean away dead skin and lift the beard. \n\n$28/ $223
\n\nthat is one of those that I probably would not include because it has other uses and you would probably have bought it anyway even on a “S” word thing