The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Various Acquisition Disorder Enablement anti-Restraint-VADER

Question. Can shave equipment be supplemented buy the selling of none shaving hobby stuff? \nSelling of a Signed Hank Arron Basball\nselling a Antique Watch\nSelling Nibs. \n\nTo buy shave related gear?
\n\nI\'m in!!!
if the items you are selling are “hobby” or “collection” related items i would say yes. Selling random household items would not count. That’s something an addict would do, if you find yourself selling (pawning) your kids game system to buy shaving gear you got problems.

So, dipping into you 401k is an issue?
and I should put back the silver?
I mean no one ever uses the good silverware. It just sits in a draw. I shave everyday.
But those are visible and handy

True.. and everyone knows not to actually touch the good towels.. That's like drying your hands on the wallpaper.

But Silverware? Unused asset, hiding away in a drawer in a room that is used for holidays and to do the taxes in.
Adjusting the budget down. $250 for the year. Still on the waiting list for Charcoal Goods.

The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019 but $0 in the first quarter
5) DocHoliday 500$ for the entire year for myself. Bath/face bars and balm for the goatee do not count.
6) Quijote $100 for all year
7) Sharps $250 for 2019
8) sskim3 - $100 for 2019
Chinatown is as convenient to get to and find those things as Pasteur's is to getting soaps,

You guys need Nun Chukas Or some Stupid Gold Cadilac medallion chains?
Seriously, when in college I went to Tijuana and bought a "Rolex" for like $15-20. Diamonds all around the face and everything. I thought it was hilarious to wear it around from time to time. I'd love to have another but the only time I saw the knock-offs they were like $50.
The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019 but $0 in the first quarter
5) DocHoliday 500$ for the entire year for myself. Bath/face bars and balm for the goatee do not count.
6) Quijote $100 for all year
7) Sharps $250 for 2019
8) sskim3 - $100 for 2019
9) MilkCrate - $100 for 2019
The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019 but $0 in the first quarter
5) DocHoliday $300 for the entire year for myself. Bath/face bars and balm for the goatee do not count.
6) Quijote $100 for all year
7) Sharps $250 for 2019
8) sskim3 - $100 for 2019
9) MilkCrate - $100 for 2019
Edit of mine:

The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019
5) DocHoliday $300 for the entire year for myself. Bath/face bars and balm for the goatee do not count.
6) Quijote $100 for all year
7) Sharps $250 for 2019
8) sskim3 - $100 for 2019
9) MilkCrate - $100 for 2019