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TSC New Year's Appreciation Shave

Today's New Years 2020 TSC Appreciation Shave was with the following:

RAZOR: 1976 Birthyear Gillette Black Handle TTO ( @Techichi TSC Vendor)

SOAP: Cbl Tonsorial Smokey Mountain (Thanks to @Dave in KY )

AFTERSHAVE: Stirling unscented splash (@Joe Hackett TSC Vendor)

BRUSH: I don't have a TSC connected Brush, so I simply used the next one in Rotation

BLADE: I don't have a TSC connected blade, so I used a new Hospital prep blade from a sample plack I received in yesterday's mail

I have only shaved with the razor once, the blade never. Thus, it was a bit rough. I transplanted the blade to a different Razor for Friday. We'll see how it fairs in familiar territory.

The cream was excellent, as usual. The AS was great, as well. I believe I will absolutely love this AS when the warmer, more humid weather hits.
This actually reminded me of a question @CBLindsay ... Is the Smokey Mountain Cedar ever going to be made in the premium base? Or, is it based on a premium soap scent already made?

Today's shave has me wondering if I should have this scent in my rotation. Since I haven't yet tried the premium, figure I could kill 2 birds with one soap.


Razor: Yates 921-M
Brush: Yaqi 24mm 2 band finest
Blade: Astra SP (13th use)
Soap: CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Post: Zingari Man Unscented Balm

The only TSC connection I have in the den as of now is the CBL soap and it’s also my first use of it.
I am quite impressed on how easily this soap loaded and lathered. And the scent!! I’m really looking forward to trying the premium base but it might be a while due to the scent of ROS.

TSC Appreciation Shave - New Year's Day

Some of my prize possessions -

Straight: Ern Ator @Dagwoodz (Thanks for getting this to me, it's incredible!)
DE: Gillette Canadian Tech @Techichi (I asked he if he could find me a fat handle tech, and he came up with this, one of my best shavers.)
Brush: Vintage Barbershop
Soap: CBL Tonsorial Yardley Lavender @CBLindsay (The brush and soap were part of this year's Rudolph git exchange, along with the Rapira blades. Chris put the soap in a vintage Yardley bowl that he restored. Awesome!)
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