The Shaving Cadre

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TSC New Year's Appreciation Shave

TSC Appreciation Shave for New Year's Eve

Soap - G&A Shaving Finlandia - From Cole @HMan, as part of the annual @Rudolph Exchange. Thanks Cole, it smells great.
Brush - TSC Legacy Brush - Purchased from TSC Hobbyist Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu, and thanks to the the guys who invited me to be a part of this great forum: @Cvargo, @CBLindsay, and @BarberDave!
Razor - Yuma - My new favorite razor! Purchased as a result of a Razor Pass done by @Dave in KY.

Aftershave - Pashana - PIF'd to me by Bruce @Graybeard57

Thanks to everyone that helped make this shave great, and everyone else that help make this forum great!

2019 shave #367 (DE:170 SE:129 Str:68 Cart:0) - 517 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Israeli Personna (1)
TSC Legacy brush
PdP 63
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Stirling Texas on Fire EdT

Good thing I looked at a few new posts before I got out of bed this morning. I forgot the cadre focused shave for today. Didn't really have to do much out of the ordinary because I can attribute a ton of what I have to the cadre. And many days I think how cool it is that I know the people that made, gave or "encouraged" me to have what I'm using. Especially when you take the enabler effect into account. @Majorrich gifted me the razor and the alum last Christmas. @Smattayu made the brush. @DocHoliday0831 gifted me the soap a few Christmases ago. And of course Stirling and @Joe Hackett to finish it off.

For the first of my 2 TSC appreciation shaves I decided to go a bit thematic with it. Since this is the last day of the year I went with an "old" theme. For that I chose the brush since the handle is from a PIF by @Sharp's (hope your doing well buddy). The soap is my first CBL soap and the AS my first from Stirling(and was purchased to spesifcally to pair with this soap). The Razor was gifted to me by @CBLindsay is a very nice little vintage blade. Had a fantastic shave!

Also I'm pretty sure this is the official TSC appreciation breakfast. Am I right @Dave in KY ?

Last shave of 2019:


Razor: iKon X3 slant - TSC Mystery Bic passaround hosted by @Spider
Brush: Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush - hand crafted by @Smattayu Soap: Soapy Science Citrus Lollipop soap - PIFed by @Dave in KY
Frag: Jean Philippe 1 Million clone - also PIFed by Dave!

Got my TSC appreciation shave in! Everything I shaved with today, my TSC brothers had a hand in. So much warmth, generosity, and camaraderie here, with plenty of good ribbing of course! Pretty darn special for a bunch of random people, flung out over the world, who for the most part have never met in person! I’m honored to know the fine folks of the Cadre and be a part of this special place!

Have a great Tuesday all and a safe, fun New Year's Eve!
Happy New Year, fellas.

  • Razor: Schick Dial (you all made injectors sound so cool so I had to get one.....three)
  • Blade: Chinese Schick, generously PIFed by @Dave in KY.
  • Brush: Shavemac 24mm tortoise shell, purchased from @Spider. It's actually just now starting to break in so it was a really nice shave today.
  • Soap: CBL Ghost Lime, purchased from @CBLindsay himself.
  • Splash: Bootleggers Arctic Lime, purchased from the Kentucky Dave guy who frequently approves.


Oh, look at that. @uacowboy and I are soap twins.

Anyway. It's been a great year. Good shaves, bad shaves, questionable shaves, I don't know what I was thinking shaves, I don't know what day it is shaves. Not to mention all the stuff that I've been doing in my life. The whole lot of you have supported me through thick and thin, and it means a lot. TSC gives a lot to me, so I will continue to give back to TSC in 2020 and well into the future.
Happy New Year, fellas.

  • Razor: Schick Dial (you all made injectors sound so cool so I had to get one.....three)
  • Blade: Chinese Schick, generously PIFed by @Dave in KY.
  • Brush: Shavemac 24mm tortoise shell, purchased from @Spider. It's actually just now starting to break in so it was a really nice shave today.
  • Soap: CBL Ghost Lime, purchased from @CBLindsay himself.
  • Splash: Bootleggers Arctic Lime, purchased from the Kentucky Dave guy who frequently approves.

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Oh, look at that. @uacowboy and I are soap twins.

Anyway. It's been a great year. Good shaves, bad shaves, questionable shaves, I don't know what I was thinking shaves, I don't know what day it is shaves. Not to mention all the stuff that I've been doing in my life. The whole lot of you have supported me through thick and thin, and it means a lot. TSC gives a lot to me, so I will continue to give back to TSC in 2020 and well into the future.
hey, it's an awesome soap!