The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

TSC New Year's Appreciation Shave

My TSC appreciation shave was different, as other than 2 wonderful soaps, there is no other gear! So my theme was appreciating what a fun forum this is, thankful for the welcoming atmosphere (unless too many doggies let loose with after dinner whiffs!!), the encouragement given to both shaving related issues and life issues, and the overall fun camaraderie! Thank you all!
Soap: Dragons Blood from our resident artisan @CBLindsay
Brush: +2 Omega Badger Brush of Lathering from Sam @woodpusher
Razor: Aluminum Colonial General from Dave @Dave in KY
A/S: Sangre de Drago from the massive pass around mystery box @Spider

sometimes I forget what a great razor the General can be. Given the right lather and prep I got a New Years BBS.
I am honored and humbled to consider you all friends. Truly you have influenced my life for the better. I hope that in the coming year I might also help make a good man/woman better through this medium.

CVH MK31, PIFed by @cmh737
TSC Legacy Brush
SV 70th shaving soap and aftershave, won in a PIF from @BarberDave

I was going to skip today's shave until I saw this thread. Great idea, and a Happy New Year to the Cadre!
Reposted from my journal:
New Year 2020 TSC Appreciation Shave #1 of 2
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Stirling Uncented pre-shave oil
Razor: Fine Marvel razor
Blade: Shark SS (1)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: The Tech Hive Synthetic Tuxedo Beehive 26mm
Soap/Cream: Ethos Grooming Essentials - Dragonsbeard
AS 1: 365 Everyday Rose Petal Face Toner + Lucky TIger AS & Face Tonic
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB & Lucky Tiger Disappearing Cream
AS 3: Ethos Grooming Essentials - Dragonsbeard
Fragrance: none

While I appreciate, and value all of the Cadre, I can't include you all in my appreciation shaves. I would if it were at all possible. Thank you all for being here.

So, here are TSC Members represented in today's shave (in alphabetical order by forum handle):
@BarberDave - Lucky Tiger Disappearing Cream - I first heard about the Disappearing Cream and the Vanishing Cream from reading one of Dave's posts. I decided to give them a try based on that. Dave also put some amazing edges on a few of my straights. I am very glad that he, Chad, and Chris L. made the decision to start this forum.
@Cvargo - Shark SS DE blade - Chad reviewed this in one of the early Bad Blade reviews which caused me to go out and buy a few. I agree with his "100 Pack" rating for this blade. It surprised me by being as good as it is even after seeing Chad's review. I love watching the Bad Blade series and am glad that I helped make it what it is.
@Dragonsbeard - Ethos Grooming Essentials soap & AS - Trying this new product as part of a pass-around. I love it that new artisans are springing up on TSC. It makes this place even more special. I am glad to help get this brand off the ground.
@NurseDave - Stirling pre-shave oil - I was Dave's Reindeer Buddy for 2018. He sent me a cool TSC Christmas ornament, a San Francisco mug full of Ghirardelli chocolate and other goodies, and 3 pre-shave oils. Stirling makes really good pre-shave oil. I wouldn't have tried them if not for this gift.
@Spider - Fine Marvel razor - I am glad that I purchased this from KJ. It is a fine shaver, even if it is 100% pot metal. KJ is the reason that I know about TSC. When the Cadre was just getting started he sent out an email to a bunch of people that had participated in Bingo on that other forum to tell them about TSC. Five minutes after reading that email I was registering my account here. At that point I had stopped going to that other forum because of multiple run-ins with the moderation staff for basically fan-boying too hard. I was even accused of shilling for Colonial Razors at one point. The mods at that place soured me on the whole experience but I always missed the people like the various Daves, KJ, Chad, and Chris L. So, KJ is the reason that I was able to reconnect with all of you.
@Techichi - Tech Hive Synthetic brush - Another new artisan that has sprung up on TSC. After Chad and a few others mentioned how good these brushes are, and how reasonably priced they are, I just had to get one.

Happy New Year, Cadre. I am glad that we can all gather here and share like we do. This forum is one of the most welcoming and civil places on the Internet. It is a great place to hang out. I wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2020.
TSC Appreciation Shave #2

I could do these for a week or longer probably and didn't mean to leave anyone out. Just because I didn't get something from you mentioned in these 2 days doesn't mean I don't remember what came from who and appreciate it. The Cadre is so generous you can't do this is just 1 or 2 shaves. That's a good thing !!

Wednesday January 1, 2020
2020 Shave # 1 ( 421 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Durham Razor @dangerousdon
Blade: Personna (1)
Brush: TSC Legacy Brush - @cmh737 and @Smattayu
Soap: CBL Tonsorial Fresh Lime 3017 (1) - @CBLindsay
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla - @GlazedBoker
Aftershave 2: Dragonsbeard Skin Food Splash - @Dragonsbeard
Fragrance: Penhaligon's Endymion Cologne - @NurseDave

Today's TSC appreciation shave theme is New. The CBL Tonsorial is obviously new, and the Stirling Boar is my newest brush. The PAA Prismatic is from the Mystery Pass Around and the blade is a fresh Shark Super Stainless from @Cvargo. the AVON Clint is representing the gift from john @The Monkey as I haven't unpacked that yet and didn't have time this morning since I wanted to get a video in.
TSC Appreciation Shave for New Year’s Day

Soap - CBL Tonsorial SIR Fougere - From an awesome Artisan And the first shave of the CBL Tonsorial 3017

Brush - TSC Anniversary Brush - once again made by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu

Razor - RR Hawk - obtained from the Mystery Traveling Box, and place into the box by @GearNoir

AS - Sir Irisch Moos - lovingly PIF’d to me by @dangerousdon

Again, this is just a small portion of the awesomeness in Artisans/Hobbyists and the generosity of the membership in general. This SOTD goes out to the entire Cadre. Happy New Year!

New Years Day TSC Appreciation Shave


RazoRock Preshave Cube - Charcoal & Lime
CBL “Black Rose Oud” Soap
WCS Tortoiseshell Collection Brush
1964 Gillette Slim Adjustable
Personna Med Prep Blade

GFT Coral Skin Food
Today's New Years 2020 TSC Appreciation Shave was with the following:

RAZOR: 1976 Birthyear Gillette Black Handle TTO ( @Techichi TSC Vendor)

SOAP: Cbl Tonsorial Smokey Mountain (Thanks to @Dave in KY )

AFTERSHAVE: Stirling unscented splash (@Joe Hackett TSC Vendor)

BRUSH: I don't have a TSC connected Brush, so I simply used the next one in Rotation

BLADE: I don't have a TSC connected blade, so I used a new Hospital prep blade from a sample plack I received in yesterday's mail

I have only shaved with the razor once, the blade never. Thus, it was a bit rough. I transplanted the blade to a different Razor for Friday. We'll see how it fairs in familiar territory.

The cream was excellent, as usual. The AS was great, as well. I believe I will absolutely love this AS when the warmer, more humid weather hits.
TSC Appreciation Shave 1/1/2020

CBL Dragon's Pub - my new favorite Dragon's Blood soap
LNHC Plaide Cloimhe Post Shave Elixr
Techichi Tech Hive brush
X4 birth year/quarter Super Speed - gotten real cheap from Techichi Shave and sent to NSR for a Seattle Seahawks finish (who could probably need all the support they can get right now)

New Year 2020 TSC Appreciation Shave #2 of 2

: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Stirling Uncented pre-shave oil
Straight: G. H. Pumacker Black Diamond
Shavette Blade: none
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Chocolate
Razor: Gillette Single Ring OLD Type (from the Mystery Pass-Around Box)
Blade: Shark SS (2)
Bowl: Fine Lather Bowl
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush w/Cashmere knot
Soap/Cream: CBL Tonsorial Money BETA (3)
AS 1: 365 Everyday Rose Petal Face Toner + Lucky TIger AS & Face Tonic
AS 2: Aqua Velva Sensitive 5-in-1 ASB & Lucky Tiger Disappearing Cream
AS 3: Barbasol Pacific Rush
Fragrance: none

Again, I wish I could have included gear from every Cadre member in my appreciation shaves.

Here are TSC Members represented in today's shave (in alphabetical order by forum handle):
@CBLindsay - CBL Tonsorial soap - Chris has a real passion for soap making and it really shows in his products. I have been a fan since the first time I tried his soap. I also really enjoy interacting with him here on TSC. He is fun and interesting to talk to.
@Dagwoodz - G. H. Pumacker Black Diamond - I was the winner of Josh's PIF in December 2018. It is the most generous PIF that I have ever seen. This razor was one of the PIF items. I am still overwhelmed by everything that he included in the two boxes he sent me.
@Dave in KY - Barbasol Pacific Rush - This is my first, and probably only, bottle of Pacific Rush that I will ever have. It is an amazing AS splash given to me by a true gentleman.
@Joe Hackett - Stirling Unscented Pre-Shave oil - Rod & Amanda make some of the best shaving software in the industry. His scents are top notch. I am glad that Rod is a member here. I will always have some of Stirling's products in my shave den.
@Smattayu - TSC FIrst Anniversary Brush - Eric is a master woodworker. His brush handles are works of art, in my opinion. He made my first custom brush. It is something that I will treasure forever.

I hope you all are having a great New Year's Day!