The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

TSC First Anniversary Brush


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
Hello Cadre! First Dave, Chris, I just want to say that we never envisioned that this place would turn into what it is today. The future looks bright, and it is mainly because of all of you. We have had our ups and down, and have had some small hiccups along the way, but thanks to all of you the Cadre is truly a brotherhood and a second home to most of us. A huge thanks of appreciation and gratitude as you have all supported us, whether that be shopping through Zazzle, ordering a TSC Member Brush, being a Hobbyist, Being a Vendor, making a donation, and most importantly just being a part of the Cadre, we have grown. What started as just 3 guys ready for something different, that quickly transformed to 12, is now near 150! That growth is impressive and we are truly grateful. So now here we are, ready to celebrate this 1 year anniversary in style! We have teased it for awhile now, but it is time to reveal.

We have partnered with Eric (Smattayu), one of our own TSC hobbyist to produce a commemorative TSC shaving brush celebrating our one year anniversary. The shockwood brush will have a unique design never done by Eric before, and have the signature TSC coin embedded in the base. Each brush will be custom made with your choice of knot.
This will be your only opportunity to get one of these commemorative brushes and there will be limited quantity so be sure to add your name to the list if you want one.

Picture of shockwood:

Handle shape:

(As you all know being wood each brush will look slightly different)

You will then have the choice of 1 of 3 knots:

Cashmere Synthetic:

Timberwolf Synthetic:

Envy Luxury Silvertip Badger:

The knot size will be roughly 24-25MM, and set at a height that should allow for optimal lathering either by bowl or face.

So how will this work?

- You have until January 18, 2019 to sign up
- You have until February 8, 2019 to make full payment
- Shipment is tentatively scheduled to begin on March 14, 2019 which is EXACTLY 1 year from when TSC launched as an official forum.
- You are allowed to order 1 brush per person

Okay so pricing. We believe in being as open as possible and a lot of you have worked with Eric and understand his process and attention to detail. The sales price is based on the type of knot you choose and it will include priority shipping with insurance and documentation. If you are NOT continental United States you can still sign up but will need to talk with Eric because shipping will be a tad bit higher. A portion of the sales price will go towards the operation of the TSC forum.

Cashmere Synthetic: $75
Timberwolf Synthetic: $75
Envy Luxury Silvertip Badger: $110

Please do not feel obligated to purchase a brush, and we truly appreciate all of you, but we hope that you will obtain a piece of TSC history. Please fill out the below info, Eric will communicate with you, and TSC ownership on payment details. Thank you.

***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - B

*** Copy and paste above info***
***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID

*** Copy and paste above info***
I love that handle, looks amazing. I’m definitely in!

Can we see the knots set in the handle? That would help me decide which one to pick. And is that a quality badger knot? Seems I’ve heard bad things about Envy knots.
And we’re firm on only those 3 knot choices? The hunters knot might look good in that.

I'm not sure if Eric has one of each of the 3 knots in hand already, if he does I am sure he would be willing to snag some pics.

We agreed on these 3 knot choices. That green knot is cool though.
Also, the Member brush is the Luca Brasi...... will this brush be named, or is it just to be referred to as the Anniversary Brush?
Definitely cool, but I’ll have to think about it since I have 2 Sorrentino shockwood already.
Also, the Member brush is the Luca Brasi...... will this brush be named, or is it just to be referred to as the Anniversary Brush?

For now it is just referred to as the Anniversary Brush.
Very cool design Eric.

KJ are you asking for a chance to purchase just the handle and you can add your own knot?

I may just want the handle and add a two band. If that could be an option.
I love that handle, looks amazing. I’m definitely in!

Can we see the knots set in the handle? That would help me decide which one to pick. And is that a quality badger knot? Seems I’ve heard bad things about Envy knots.
And we’re firm on only those 3 knot choices? The hunters knot might look good in that.

I'm definitely thinking about this. That's a very nice looking handle.
Very cool design Eric. \n\nKJ are you asking for a chance to purchase just the handle and you can add your own knot?\n \nI may just want the handle and add a two band. If that could be an option.
\nCan I be added to this handle only group. This would allow me to not miss out on the anniversary handle and keep the cost down. I have a few knots I could transplant.
\nKJ are you asking for a chance to purchase just the handle and you can add your own knot?
\nNo, that isn’t what I was asking at all. For the Member brush we could have Eric put in any knot we wanted, and I had him order a blood knot for mine. I was just asking if it was possible to do that again.
I'm in for this--TSC is the only shave site I look at anymore. Thanks to our fearless leaders for hosting the site and thanks to all who participate.

As an added bonus, this should (hopefully) forestall any other brush purchases on my end (at least until it ships

***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere

*** Copy and paste above info***
We will not be selling just the handle for this brush as we still have the member brush as an option. This is a complete product we are selling.

Now I do have the Envy white knot and I love that badger knot. I have no personal opinion on the luxury model but Dave or Chris will be in here soon to talk about that knot.
No, that isn’t what I was asking at all. For the Member brush we could have Eric put in any knot we wanted, and I had him order a blood knot for mine. I was just asking if it was possible to do that again.
In that case totally disregard my previous post
I'm in for this--TSC is the only shave site I look at anymore. Thanks to our fearless leaders for hosting the site and thanks to all who participate.

As an added bonus, this should (hopefully) forestall any other brush purchases on my end (at least until it ships

***If you wish to sign up please copy and paste the below list***

1. cvargo - Timberwolf
2. Cblindsay - Badger
3. Xenostr8shaver - Badger
4. Dave in KY - Timberwolf - PAID
5. JWS VII - Cashmere
6. Majorrich - Badger

*** Copy and paste above info***
Oh boy! This is big! But I too am interested in hearing more about the Envy Silvertip Badger. I know some love it and others have had some serious issues with it. Looking for other's experiences with one.
I won't belabor the ever shedding one I bought when recommended and is now at Eric's getting a Cashmere put in it.........