The Shaving Cadre

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The wonderful excesses of acquisition disorders...and wet shaving

Changes can both be excellent things and scary at the same time, I too will be slowing my acquisitions down quite a bit at least til Christmas.
Great reads, Josh. I didn't realize that growing Iris flowers was so labor intensive! Interesting.

And congrats on hitting 200 soaps! Egg-cellent!!

Thanks Chris...they're surprisingly so, but the end result, if done right, is amazing!

Just got caught up, Josh. This is a great journal. Really interesting reads. Loved the flower-gardening stuff.

I've been doing traditional wet shaving since March of 2009 and although I haven't kept a count, I'm absolutely sure that I'm nowhere near 200 soaps at this point. Probably closer to 50 than 200. That's pretty impressive.

Thanks Randall! I've been spoiled for choice for sure...starting to whittle down the stash here now.

Good update Josh!

You certainly seem to have had. Very enjoyable shaving journey up to this point; totally behind you when the time comes for your next chapter. I hope the coming family changes are positive ones!

Thank you Chris! They should be!

Changes can both be excellent things and scary at the same time, I too will be slowing my acquisitions down quite a bit at least til Christmas.

Thanks TJ...I've made enough acquisitions to last me quite a few years that even after whittling down what I have, I've still got about 10 years worth of soaps.
SOTD – Thursday, 16 August, 2018
Saint Charles Shave Fairway | Gillette Fusion Pro-Glide (1)
Currently on Shave #571 | Straight shave still at #351

So today was a mixed emotion kind of day. I was excited for a couple of things I was using for the shave. One exceeded expectations, though not quite sure why, and the other totally was a kill joy. Both of them were enabled by fellow cadre members. So...a very BIG thank you to KJ for the soap! And as to the other...Chad....I blame you for this.

So today's shave I was all excited to use Fairway...I loved what I was smelling out of the tin, and I've really not heard any negative reviews about the soap itself. I was also all motivated to try out my cartridge beast 5-bladed monstrosity that I was using prior to starting this journey due to Chad's enablement. Let me say, the soap outperformed my already high expectations. I didn't give it a full review, but my initial impressions are very favorable. Not sure if it would score as high as a soap such as Stirling, just due to the lack of cushion I was experiencing. But the slickness, residual slickness and post shave feel were absolutely unreal! And the scent is just wonderful!

So...three passes with that chupacabra of a razor and I'm DFS, though there was exactly ZERO enjoyment out of using that razor. UGH. C'mon man!

I topped off with some omega acquae serum as well as Davidoff Cool Water and headed off to work smelling good, but feeling unfulfilled.

Be on the lookout somewhere in the forum for a PIF coming up soon from me. In my desire to cull some of my soap stash, I'm going to be running a few PIF's, so I'm trying to decide on the most creative way to do so.

Have a great day everyone!
I'm so glad you liked the SCS Josh. I must admit, I was a little worried. It's a totally different type of soap base, and doesn't really lather like other soaps, so I wasn't sure how you'd like it.
Oh that brush! I remember the mail call! BEAUTIFUL!!! 5 blade??? What's next 10??? Prep is key but there is no way I could go back to carts full time.
Well, not everyone can handle more than one blade at a time. Keep up with it and you'll get there.
LOL...y'all are a hoot. And's ok to come out of the closet as a cart user. The fact that you were able to hide it makes me think you're also hiding a few hundred cans of Edge, Gillette, and Barbasol canned stuff, too.

Have you told the crew about your stash of electric razors yet?
SOTD – Friday, 17 August, 2018
Honeybee Soaps Caribbean Vacation | ERN Ator 5/8" Swayback
Currently on Shave #572 | Straight shave #352

So I did record the shave this morning, but have yet to go through and do any post production aside from moving the media to my computer. I don't think I'm going to actually produce and post it either. It was a "meh" kind of shave. The razor felt kind of off, the soap was only a middling performer, and in my attempt to try a slightly different format, I think it's going to come off as clunky and not usable. That's ok, I'll post another video tomorrow morning. I have two soaps left to try out, Wild West Shaving Co.'s Rose Dunn and a sample of Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream. Not sure right now which one I'm going to use, but either way it should be a better shave than this morning.

Speaking of this morning's shave, like I said it was a "meh" shave. The soap, while decent, wasn't the greatest, and the scent didn't like my face apparently. The scent is nice, with a tropical feel to it different than most others. It's like combining the scent of a Bay Rum, turning down the strength on it from 10 to 3, then adding some tropical fruits to the mix. The end result is a scent that seems conflicted. Is it a Bay Rum or is it a tropical fruity smell? It's not overly sweet at all, and as I stated, the bay rum is not overpowering at all. I would say this is a tropical fruit infused type of bay rum.

The razor also felt a little off. Might have been because my skin was already a little sensitive from the FO/EO's used in the soap, which is very possible and has happened in the past. I'll give the razor an alibi for now before I decide to refresh it. The result is a DFS+, and only some very superfluous feedback from the alum under the left jawline. With the scent not being amongst my favorites, and the reaction of my skin, (it wasn't as bad as others), this soap will be going into the PIF pile.

Long day at work yesterday...about 16 hours...and stuff going on back at the homestead that I had to deal with. Nothing too bad, just a LOT going on, making for a stressful situation for SWMBO. That's the hardest part about this job, is knowing that I can only to SO much from 9000 miles away when things start piling up back home. Thanks to everyone here for being a sounding board when necessary and listening to a little bit of drivel from me. Have a great Friday everyone!

It ain't drivel Josh, Hang in there and hoping things settle down for you and the family. As far as the razor not feeling right, I know a solution. Your skin knows what it's missing now and unless you can line up and hold 5 straight razors together for a pass you'll need to stick with yesterdays razor. It must have been a more efficient tool.......................
It ain't drivel Josh, Hang in there and hoping things settle down for you and the family. As far as the razor not feeling right, I know a solution. Your skin knows what it's missing now and unless you can line up and hold 5 straight razors together for a pass you'll need to stick with yesterdays razor. It must have been a more efficient tool.......................

Oh...that's NOT going to happen. Chad can have the multi-bladed

Thanks's been too long, so with the end in sight, some days the frustration gets a little heavy.
Well I can see the problem right there in your picture. That razor looks like it was stamped out of a military jeep bumper by an inmate in a German prison. Better shave tomorrow!
I tend to fall really behind on your journal Josh but I've gotten caught up and have enjoyed the photography. I do have one question, do the other guys out in BFE with you know that you have boxes and boxes of soap and aftershave? You certainly have been using a lot of newer product.
Thanks Chris! The guys out here know I'm into wet-shaving; with those who I've converted knowing the amount of software that I have on hand. Otherwise, I tend to keep it to myself. LOL
SOTD - Saturday, 18 August, 2018
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream | Jerry Stark Custom 7/8" smiling French Point
Currently on shave #573 | Straight shave #353

Pretty disappointing shave today, mostly because I'm pretty sure I flubbed the lather. It ended up being a little too loose, and started to develop some larger bubbles; an indication that it was nearing the end of its water band. All the same, the soap was fairly nice, the razor was in good shape, and everything else worked well together.

Three passes, no clean-up and I topped it off with some Paladin unscented balm infused with WSP's Matterhorn, and some vasili's of Matterhorn all over. Not as many as usual, as these bottles spray like a firehose. Video of the shave has been posted, and many of my thoughts are in there.

Have a great Saturday everyone!!