The Shaving Cadre

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The TSC Hot Pepper Challenge

With the Kirsten pipes - how much maintenance and care is there? More, less, or same time as a traditional briar pipe?
Pretty standard long term (bowl reaming, overall cleaning), but maintenance during smoking doesn't require stopping and swabbing. All you have to do is dump the moisture in the valve, and smoke on.
The reaper plant had candy hanging on it, so I ate one...

OpusX: Eating a Reaper
Very nicely done! Fun items you shared too!

I was PIFed a heavy user grade meerschaum a while back, when I first became interested in pipes. Never really learned how to get a proper light though and its kinda fallen by the wayside. I like the mixed material looks of those Kirstens though!
Pretty standard long term (bowl reaming, overall cleaning), but maintenance during smoking doesn't require stopping and swabbing. All you have to do is dump the moisture in the valve, and smoke on.
Thanks for the info, I may look into one of those in the future, but I just ordered a new pipe and should get it tomorrow or Friday so I am looking forward to that.
Tony, great video! Love your delivery. You’ve got a future in the VLOGs for sure.

No, John, I’ve been to busy to get to my challenge. I’m swamped. Still have 3-4 shave videos I need to edit and upload. No time for anything!

Garden is still producing unreal amounts of peppers! Look at the size of these Ghosts and Habaneros!

If anyone wants ghosts, speak up now. Kyle, I got you covered. You guys heard Tony, I’m the Pepper King!! John..... Ghost on video?

If I wasn't international (agriculture import regulations and stuff), I'd be asking for a bucket full of ghosts!