The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

The Good Morning Thread

Morning, folks! All Bingo'd out and ready to start the workday? (I am SOOO far behind, it's not funny)
Looks like you will need to add an extra 10 hours to your work week! Just kidding...don't fret...the work will be there tomorrow! (It's my Scarlett O'Hara approach). 🤪
Looks like you will need to add an extra 10 hours to your work week! Just kidding...don't fret...the work will be there tomorrow! (It's my Scarlett O'Hara approach). 🤪
Yeah, it will be there tomorrow... but not for long afterwards as payroll processing has a deadline. :cautious:
I love a cup of espresso in the morning!
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When and where were you in the 'Ghan KJ? I am assuming Bagram or Kandahar. But with you AF guys, you can never tell. I was there 2004-2005 in the Herat area mostly, but spent a little time in Bagram getting my regional certification for interrogations.
Morning all y'all. Sunday means a cuppa joe while my wife is still in dreamland, running triple anti-malware scanners on our 2 PCs, watching some weekly politics/news morning shows, and later on laundry. Will sneak a shave in after I make my wife her first cup of french press in about an hour.